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For the second time that day, WheeIn finds herself standing behind the two-way mirror, watching an ongoing interrogation. This time, however, it's not a suspect interrogation but more of a witness interview.

The restaurant owner, named Cho Jun Ho, sits facing Solar, Jang-hoon and Byul who chose to sit a distance away from the table.

"You lied to us, Mr. Cho," Solar says. "You said you didn't know the victim."

"I didn't know him!" argues Jun Ho.

"He got out of your brother's car. How could you not have known him?"

"I didn't see my brother dropping him off. Even if I did, he was just my brother's client. I didn't know who he was."

"You still lied to us. You said you didn't know that car or its owner, and you didn't tell us about your brother's connection to the victim even though it was just business," says Byul calmly yet coldly.

The man looks at her and sighs. "I didn't know, okay? My brother would get in trouble from time to time and I don't want to get involved in whatever mess he's in. I have a business to run and a life here. When your people asked me about that car, I thought it was just another parking violation or a fender bender so I said I didn't know the car and the owner. It's not my problem. He should take care of his own business."

"You hid this whole story from us. Not only did you lie to officers of the law just a few hours ago, I spoke to you directly yesterday and you never mentioned your brother dropping our victim off. In fact, you didn't mention seeing him at all that day. You realize why we find it hard to believe you right now," Byul says.

"He frequently recommends my restaurant to his clients but he doesn't eat with them. Sometimes he'd just drop them off and leave before I could see him. Sometimes I'd see his car, sometimes I didn't. I didn't see him or his car that day."

"But the car didn't leave immediately that day," Solar speaks again. "It stayed there until that man finished his lunch with you."

"I didn't notice it," the man insists. "Sometimes my brother would park his car there on his breaks while he goes fishing or do whatever at the beach. I'm so used to seeing it parked there that I don't even pay attention to it anymore." He leans back and exhales. "Look, I know I shouldn't have lied and that I should've told you about him sooner. But I just don't want to get involved in a murder. And yes, he's burdensome, he's annoying and he does stupid things... but I really don't think he's related to this murder. That dead man was just a coincidental client! I spoke to him, I had lunch with him, remember? He said nothing about my brother!"

"Then explain why your brother was shouting at him just a couple hours before he died," Jang-hoon says, placing the printed screen capture from the bar's CCTV recordings, showing their wanted man pointing his finger angrily at the victim. The third man, the dirty cop they're investigating, is getting up from his seat.

Jun Ho takes the photo, scrutinizes it and shrugs. "Maybe he didn't pay? How should I know? Besides, how can you be sure that this is my brother? You can't even see his face clearly."

"We asked the employees at that bar and several customers. They recognized your brother. That's him, shouting at the victim," Jang-hoon states, tapping the picture with his fingers.

"You have to ask him. I don't know much about his life."

"We'd be glad to talk to him if we could find him," answers Solar. "He's been on the run since yesterday. Then today, his car suddenly appeared at your restaurant. Where is he?"

"I have no idea," says the man. "You can put me through a lie detector test if you want. I'm telling the truth. I don't know where he is."

Solar takes out another photograph, that of their main suspect, the dirty cop. She places it in front of Jun Ho and asks, "What about him? Have you ever seen him before?"

Jun Ho shakes his head after staring at the photo for a few seconds. "I can't say I have. Who is he?"

"He's a cop and he's been keeping close contact with your brother for the past year and a half," replies the captain. "We checked their phone records. They call each other regularly."

"Again, I don't know much about my brother's life. He only called if he needed my help," insists the man. "And like I said, I prefer staying away from him for as much as possible. He brings nothing but trouble."

"You know, for someone who sounds like he dislikes his brother so much, you sure are inconsistent," remarks Byul as she leans back in her seat, arms crossed.

Jun Ho turns his head at the blond inspector, looking at her with a frown. "What do you mean?"

"You say that he's trouble but then you defend him. You celebrate your birthdays together, you hang out with the same group of friends..." She sees his eyes widening and adds, "You may have deleted your social media posts but your friends haven't. We found recent pictures that show you two clearly hanging out and having fun together. So tell me, is this another one of your lies? Are you willing to get arrested for obstructing justice for the sake of protecting him? He is a suspect in the murder of an officer of the law, you know. I'm sure you realize the gravity of the situation. We will literally do anything we possibly can to catch this murderer."

The man remains silent for a moment then he lets out a groan and wipes his face with his hand, deflated. "I knew he'd get in worse trouble sooner or later but a murder..." he mumbles before looking at the officers. "Look, I tried. Being a big brother is not easy. Jun Hyun got into his fair share of problems and I tried to bail him out or cover for him for as much as possible but at one point, I just gave up. That was when I started to keep my distance and not care too much about his life anymore. But at the end of the day, he's still my brother so I have to at least try to defend him somehow.

"The birthdays and the group of friends are the only things we still have in common, the traditions I want to keep to at least remind him that there is a better way to live," he explains. "He hasn't confided in me much since I kept my distance."

"So you don't know his relationship with this cop?" asks Solar.

"I... do," says the man hesitantly. "I think they're lovers."

"Lovers?" exclaims Jang-hoon.

"Yes. They met when my brother went to Seoul with some friends. When he came back, he told me that he finally found someone who liked him for who he was," Jun Ho says. "It's not exactly a socially acceptable thing in our community, I know that very well. It's one of the reasons why Jun Hyun became rebellious, I think. He's been struggling with it all his life so I was happy when he found someone."

"Did he tell you that he was a cop?"

Jun Ho nods. "He mentioned it but I didn't ask much. I don't want to pressure him. It's his life, not mine."

"Is your brother the jealous type?" Byul suddenly asks after a moment of silence, surprising everyone there.

"I don't think so," says Jun Ho. "Why?"

"Because that's potential motive. Maybe he got jealous when he learned that the victim had been spending too much time with his lover," explains the inspector.

The man scoffs and shakes his head. "That's ridiculous. Jun Hyun would have never done something like that."

"Then explain this angry outburst," Solar points at the picture from the bar that's still on the table.

"They could be arguing about anything!"

"Witnesses said your brother called the victim names and threatened him to stay away or he would pay."

"People say silly things when they're angry," argues Jun Ho. "You can't prove that it's my brother who killed that man, that's the bottom line. And unless you're going to charge me, I will take my leave now. It's bad enough that you're making me turn against my brother, I will not say another word about him."

"Alright. One more question then," says Jang-hoon. "Where is he?"

"For the last time, I don't know! This interview is over and I will call my lawyer if necessary. You can't hold me," the man says, turning defensive.

Jang-hoon looks at Solar and Byul then stands up. "You can go but don't skip town. You're a witness in an ongoing investigation. We might even do as you suggested and do a lie detector test on you," he tells Jun Ho before asking a uniformed officer to escort the man out.

"Do you believe him?" Byul asks WheeIn as soon as they gather at the viewing room.

"I honestly don't know. He lied too much. I can understand why he did it though. I mean, it's his brother no matter what," says WheeIn.

"Where's Lieutenant Kang?" Jang-hoon asks WheeIn.

"He's fetching our dirty cop," the woman says. "He wants to ask him about the lovers claim. Maybe this is the person he was protecting."

"Good idea. I'll go in there with him. Inspector Moon, you're with me," says Jang-hoon. "I need your sympathy play on this."

"Because I have a wife?" Byul says casually with a small smirk.

"Yes. You don't mind, do you?"

"Not at all. Let's go."

Once the man in handcuffs is sitting on the chair across from them, they get straight into the questioning.

At first the man denies the allegations but thanks to the planned sympathy play by Byul, he finally admits the existence of his lover who happens to be a local.

"But we broke up months ago. This trip was only meant for business," he tells them.

"Let me guess, he found out you were coming, came to see you and saw you with the victim," says Jang-hoon.

The man nods and sighs. "I told him that there was nothing going on, that it was strictly business, but he was always so jealous even though we weren't dating anymore. In fact, I broke up with him because of his constant jealousy. I guess it's partly my fault. We hooked up on my first day here. I mean, it wasn't supposed to happen but he called, apologized for the past and took me out to dinner. Then we went back to his place and..." he trails off and looks down at his lap.

"When did he see you with Kyunghoon?" asks Jang-hoon, using the victim's known alias.

"I'm not sure but I think when he dropped me off back at the hotel after that... err... dinner date." He scratches his head anxiously. "He called me a few times but I ignored him. Then he came at him when we were at the bar. He just appeared out of nowhere. I don't know how he knew where we were but knowing him, he probably stalked the hotel or something."

"When you first heard that Kyunghoon was murdered, why didn't you mention Cho Jun Hyun? You even pretended not to know him when we asked about the argument at the bar."

"What did you expect me to do? Reveal our affair? Do you know what it would do to my career? My life?!" exclaims the man.

"I doubt it would hurt your career more than what you yourself had done so far," counters Jang-hoon. "You brought shame to your badge, to us and what we stand for."

The man shakes his head. "It's different," he mutters under his breath but says nothing else.

"Do you think Cho Jun Hyun is capable of murder?" asks Byul.

He shakes his head yet again and slowly meets the inspector's eyes. "He has a lot of flaws but he's no murderer. He has a temper, yes, he's too jealous for his own good, yes, but he would never kill a man. Behind that harsh exterior is a wounded boy who had to defend himself and pretend to be someone he's not for the most part of his life. His bark is worse than his bite," he says.

"Where is he now then? Do you know where he could be hiding?" asks Lieutenant Kang.

"Have you tried his home and office?"


"His brother's home and restaurant?"

"We searched there too."

"Then I don't know where else he could be." He pauses then realizes something. "You're suspecting him of killing Kyunghoon?"

"That is for us to decide," says Jang-hoon coldly. "You have nothing else to tell us? It's better to come clean now and you know it."

"I've told you everything I know. He's not a murderer that much I believe."

"We'll see about that."

Just when they're about to end the interrogation, there's a knock on the door and Solar appears with a plastic evidence bag in her hands. She places it on the table, surprising everyone.

"Forensics just came with their findings," she tells her colleagues although her eyes are fixed on the man in handcuffs. "We found a bloody hammer in the trunk of your ex-lover's car." She folds her arms across her chest. "Tell me again how he's not a murderer."

"That can't be!" exclaims the man, his wide shocked eyes glued to the bloody hammer in the plastic bag.

"That blood is Min Kyunghoon's and that hammer was found in Jun Hyun's car," states Solar.

"B-but... he doesn't own tools! He's no handyman! He can't even fix his broken wardrobe door!" argues the man. "Did you find his fingerprints on that hammer?"

"Well no but-..."

"See?! It can't be him!"

"He could be wearing gloves. Or maybe you put that hammer there," says Solar. "We found your fingerprints in that car."

"Of course you would! We went to dinner, remember? He drove me in that car."

"So which one of you killed Min Kyunghoon?" asks the Lieutenant.

"Neither of us!"

"As much as we want to believe you, the evidence against him is just as damning as those against you so tell us where we can find him," says Lieutenant Kang. "We want to talk to him and hear his side of the story or you two would go down for murder."

"I don't know where he is! And we did not kill anyone!" the man shouts at the top of his lungs. He starts to tear up and the officers know that it's not just because of anger or frustration. He is afraid and worried for his ex.

"It's better if you tell us the truth, you know," Byul speaks up. "I know it's hard when you're forced to tell people about a part of yourself that they probably won't understand anyway."

The man looks at Byul with raised eyebrows.

"I have a wife, remember? A beautiful smart wife whom I love more than anything in this world," states the inspector. "So trust me when I say that I know how you feel about Cho Jun Hyun. It's not easy to accept that he could be involved in such a heinous crime but if he is involved, you need to come clean about it."

Her words surprise the man but he calms down almost immediately, his demeanor now slightly relaxed.

"And if you're somehow involved as well-..."

"I'm not. I'm not lying at all. I know what I did wrong and this murder is not one of them. When I found out he was dead, I ran. Yes, I admit that but I didn't do it and I know Jun Hyun wouldn't have done it. He's not a murderer."

"Can you tell us where he is then?"

"For the last time, I don't know!" he exclaims in frustration.

"Fine. You have some time to think about possible locations to tell us," says the Lieutenant who gestures for the officer in uniform to take the suspect away, back to the holding cell.

"Call me crazy but I believe him," says Lieutenant Kang once the man has left the room.

"Me too. By the way, Bo Mi also came back with another info," Solar says. "The blood drops we found on the victim's legs do not match Hwang Chi-yeul's DNA," she mentions the name of the dirty cop.

"So it wasn't him at the crime scene, beating the victim with that hammer?" asks Byul.

"I don't think so. We need to find this Cho Jun Hyun. Fast. He has motive, opportunity and the murder weapon was found in his car," says Jang-hoon.

"My men are on it," Lieutenant Kang quickly responds, getting up to his feet. "I will update you as soon as possible."

"Can you put his brother under surveillance in the mean time?" requests Solar. "Jun Hyun might seek his help."

The Lieutenant nods then takes his leave.

------------------------------------------------------ -

Byul smiles the moment she sees her daughter's face on her phone screen. "Hi," she waves at her.

"Umma, when are you coming home?" asks the pouting girl.


"How soon?"

"Well, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow probably. Won't take longer than that, I think," Byul says.

"Mommy too?"

"Yes, Mommy too. I heard you skipped school today. Were you sick?"

The girl nods hesitantly. "I didn't feel very well this morning," mumbles Ha-eun, looking away from the camera.

"Are you feeling okay now?"



"It felt... weird," says the girl who's still not looking directly at the camera.

"What felt weird?"

"Going to school."

"Oh? Why?"

"Ahjussi drove me," Ha-eun says, referring to the Commissioner's driver-slash-aide. "Everyone stared and it was quiet in the car. No one kissed me goodbye and it was just... weird. It's been weird for days."

"Ah..." Byul now understands why Ha-eun didn't want to go to school. She steals a glance at WheeIn who's sitting next to her, listening in. "I'm sorry, Ha-eun-ah. We'll fly home as soon as possible. If I can't go home fast enough, I'll let your Mommy fly home first."

WheeIn raises her eyebrows but says nothing, silently agreeing that it's a good solution since they probably won't need much of her help now that the case is progressing.

"Promise?" asks Ha-eun cutely.

"Promise. I'll let you know tomorrow, okay?"


"Now go to sleep. You need to wake up early for school tomorrow."

"Okay. Good night, Umma."

"Good night."

"Can I say good night to Mommy too?"

WheeIn immediately leans closer, appearing on the screen while waving at her daughter. "Good night, sweetie. I'll be home as soon as I could. Love you."

"Love you," Byul joins in.

"Love you," replies the girl before she hangs up.

Byul sighs and drops the phone to the mattress. "My heart is breaking," she tells her wife while clutching her chest dramatically.

"Mine too. Poor kid. That's why she lied about being sick this morning."

"I know how awkward it must be for her to be dropped off by such a formal looking car and chauffer," Byul says. "I'll ask Chu whether you can go home tomorrow. I'll stay to help see the case through." She picks up her phone once again, sending Solar a message.

WheeIn moves to lie down, closing her eyes.

They're back at their hotel room after Solar told them to get some rest.

The local force is out looking for their new suspect Cho Jun Hyun and his ex-lover still won't talk so while they're waiting, she orders all of them to rest for as much as they can.

"Call me weird but I believed that guy," Byul suddenly speaks.

WheeIn doesn't open her eyes but responds anyway. "Which guy?"

"Mr. Dirty Cop."

"So that's his name now?"

"Yes. Anyway, he has no reason to protect his ex but he did it with such conviction. I think he was telling the truth. In his eyes, that man is not capable of killing another human being."


"But I don't believe the brother. Cho Jun Ho."

"Same here. The way he answered our questions, the story he told us... like you said, it was inconsistent."

Byul nods and starts to go through everything in her mind once more, reviewing what they've found out so far.

WheeIn has fallen asleep when Byul slips out of the room hours later to meet Solar and Lieutenant Kang who called her to tell her a very important news that they've found Cho Jun Hyun.


The case is progressing quite well... Poor Ha-eun, misses her umma and mommy....

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