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Everyone on the team went in search of the missing girl. Xiumin canceled his plan to return to Jeonju that night so he could join the search and even Won-jae went so far as to seek out some of his old contacts to find the girl, ignoring his own safety.

Byul blamed herself and so did WheeIn and Hwasa - each for different reasons but they all felt responsible for what had happened.

WheeIn finally stopped crying after nearly an hour and since then had been sitting at Byul's desk, looking down at her hands without uttering a single word.

Once WheeIn had calmed down, Byul took the opportunity to talk to the hospital director who was still there, stubbornly insisting on waiting to see the Captain who chose to focus on finding Ha-eun instead.

Byul lashed out at the woman, telling her how her stupidity might have cost an innocent girl's life.

The woman argued, of course, defending herself and her boyfriend.

"Don't you see? He's guilty! He admitted to being guilty! He has ties to dangerous people! Drug dealers! Organized crime!" argued Byul.

"Prove it!"

"WE ALREADY DID! THAT'S WHY HE'S IN THE GODDAMN HOLDING CELL!" shouted Byul before Hwasa pulled her back. "I swear, if anything happens to that girl, I will personally make sure you join your stupid boyfriend. You two can rot in prison together." She yanked her arm free from Hwasa's grip.

"How am I supposed to know about that girl?"

"If you had used your brain and not make a damn idiotic fuss, yelling at my colleague, she would've gotten to the girl in time to prevent the kidnapping! She was supposed to pick her up but your childish raging delayed her!"

"I was told to enter strong and press on because the cops wouldn't listen to me! And that man was right, you all wouldn't listen!"

"Why should we listen to unreasonable rambling from some blinded-by-dumb-love woman who can't even see facts and truth?!" retorted Byul. "And who in their right mind would tell someone to barge in here without an attorney or evidence?!"

"He was going to send an attorney!"

"Who's he?" asked Hwasa. "Who told you to come here?"

"I don't know him."

"What? You don't know him and yet... Are you seriously a hospital director? Because I will never want to be admitted to a hospital where people like you are in charge," said Byul with a scoff.

The woman was about to retaliate when Hwasa stepped in. "Who told you to come here? How come you don't know him?"

"He said he was an old friend of Ji Sung," said the woman, eyes still shooting daggers at Byul. "He told me that he believed in Ji Sung's innocence, just like I do, and that he's willing to help."

"He told you to come here?"

The woman nodded. "He said his attorney will meet me here with supporting evidence to clear Ji Sung's name. He even sent me a train ticket and paid for my accommodation in Seoul. It's not much but it's a clean guesthouse."

"Guesthouse? Which guesthouse? Where?" asked Byul from behind Hwasa.

The woman mentioned the name of the same guesthouse that Mr. Kim was staying at and the exact same area.

Byul's eyes widened when she heard it. "What is this person's name?"

"I don't know. He wouldn't tell me. He said he preferred to stay anonymous because he's well known and should his name pop up in the news, it would hurt his business. But justice must prevail, he said and I agree."

"You are stupid," muttered Byul under her breath.

"Hey! I heard that! This is verbal harassment."

"No, it's not. You behaved unruly and called my friend names too," Hwasa replied. "It's called an argument. Now continue your story. All that shouting and raging, this anonymous man told you to do so?"


"Did he also tell you what time was best to yell at us?"

"He said shortly after lunch would be perfect because you cops would be too full to argue."

"What the-... How dumb are you? Seriously?!" remarked Byul once again. "You believe that? Do you think we're children? Easily sedated by food? This is a law enforcement agency! We are trained, competent people who dedicate our skills and talents to protect and serve the people of this city! Feed us and we'll obey?! What kind of logic is that?!"

"Hey! It was worth a shot, okay?! He was convincing! He told me about the supporting evidence and even who's really behind all this!"

"Who?" asked Hwasa.

"That fake nurse Eun Ji-won. He's not who he claims to be, is he? He's an imposter! He was placed there to help that convict escape and frame Ji Sung!"

"That's a bit far-fetched, don't you think?" said Hwasa.

"No, it's not. I checked his locker at the hospital, took his fingerprints and compared them to the real Ji-won's fingerprints that we have on file. It's a different person," the woman said with arrogance. "I knew then that Ji Sung's friend was telling the truth. Everyone in the hospital knew of this fake Ji-won now."

"Congratulations. You've just added another person to the list of people whose life you're putting in danger," said Byul. "That man is an undercover police officer, wanted by one of the most dangerous organized crime boss in this country for infiltrating his organization. You telling your staff about him will result in his death. Good job. You should get an award for your high intelligence."

The woman was about to argue but ended up just staring in shock when she saw that Byul and Hwasa were telling the truth about the fake Ji-won. Her mouth kept opening and closing, unsure of what to say.

"We'll have to detain you," Hwasa spoke again. "You will be charged with obstruction of justice, most likely. It depends on the Captain and the Commissioner."

"B-but I didn't do anything wrong!"

Byul rolled her eyes and left, not willing to waste another second listening to the woman.

She went back to the work area to see WheeIn not at her desk.

"Where's WheeIn?" she asked Jimin.

"She's with Uhm Tae-woong."


"Don't worry, the others are with her."

Byul rushed to the interrogation room and barged in without knocking. She saw WheeIn sitting across from the man with Solar standing behind WheeIn and Sandeul near the door. She chose to remain where she was, observing.

"Again, Mr. Uhm," said WheeIn without turning her head to look at the person who had just entered the room. "Which Jung? Me or Ha-eun? Is she the real target or are they just using her to get to me?"


"Ji Soo used my father, didn't he?"


"Do you know where we can find Ha-eun?"

WheeIn took a deep breath then repeated her questions over and over again but to no avail.

She finally lost patience, pushed her chair back roughly and stood up.

Everyone thought that she would stomp out of the room but WheeIn walked around the table instead, approaching the man.

Byul stepped forward, ready to interfere, thinking that WheeIn would slap him.

But the next scene caught everyone by surprise as they watched WheeIn kneel beside the sitting man.

"Please. I'm begging you," said WheeIn with her head down.

"Whee..." Byul rushed to WheeIn's side, kneeling next to her to hug her. "Don't do this."

WheeIn ignored Byul. "Please, Mr. Uhm. Ha-eun is like a daughter to me. You have a son. You know how I feel. I don't want to lose her. She's been through a lot. Don't do this to her, please. I'm begging you. Help us find her." Her tears began to fall, wetting the arm Byul had around her. "Please."

No one knew what to say and for a moment, the small room grew completely silent as they waited for the man's reaction.

"The means, the tool and the end," Tae-woong suddenly spoke.

WheeIn lifted her head. "What?"

"The means, the tool and the end," he repeated himself as he looked at WheeIn. "The three emperors."

"What-..." WheeIn's sentence was interrupted by the door opening and Hwasa's flushed face.

"Ha-eun. Phone. He's on the phone," she said through her panting. "He wants to talk to you, Byul. Now. If you're not there within ten seconds-..."

Byul let go of WheeIn and ran out of the room, pushing the others aside.

"Con room!"

She heard Hwasa shout from somewhere behind her and sped up towards the conference room.

Jimin stepped aside when he heard the loud footsteps then pointed at the speaker on the table, signaling Byul that the call had been put on speaker.

"Where's Ha-eun?" asked Byul, slightly out of breath from the sprint.

"She's safe for now, Inspector Moon."

"I swear, if you touch even one strand of her hair-..."

"Now now, you're not in the position to bargain or threaten, Inspector. Where's your little girlfriend? I miss hearing her voice."

"You son of a-..."


WheeIn and the others burst inside the conference room, rushing to Byul's side.

"Ah. There's my Kitty cat. Miss me?"

WheeIn shuddered at the sound of that voice. Her hands instantly grabbed Byul's arm. "What do you want? Where's Ha-eun?"

"She's with her grandfather. All safe and sound."

"My father works for you?!"

"Let's just say that he had no choice in the matter. Anyway, enough chitchat. See ya in a bit."


But the line had gone dead before WheeIn could say another word.

Byul cursed then hit the table with her fist, startling everyone.

"Star..." WheeIn hugged Byul. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "I'm sorry."

"Not your fault," mumbled Byul into WheeIn's shoulder as she held her tight, struggling to keep her composure. "It's not your fault, Whee. This is all his fault and I'll make sure he pays for it."

Solar looked at Jimin and the latter took down the cellphone he had been holding against his ear while shaking his head.

"Bo Mi couldn't trace it," said the assistant inspector.

The Captain immediately went out of the room to talk to the lab technician, hoping to be able to find a way to prepare before the next call and trace Ji Soo's location.

"It's going to be alright, Whee. We'll get her back," whispered Byul. She kissed WheeIn's temple and leaned her head against hers, silently hoping that the girl would be okay till then.

"Let's go back and talk to Tae-woong," said WheeIn, slowly letting go of Byul.

They held hands, silently leaning on each other for support, while walking back to the interrogation room.

Tae-woong looked up when the door opened and stood up when he saw the look on both women's faces. He then bowed, silently conveying his apology.

"I know why you did what you did," said WheeIn. "And I understand the risk you took when you left those clues. You messed up the attacks on purpose, didn't you? You tried to lead us to you. You wanted us to arrest you. I find it impossible for someone of your reputation to have made that many mistakes if not deliberately."

The man didn't answer nor did he lift his head.

"Mr. Uhm," Byul spoke next. "Please. Help us find Ha-eun. What did you mean by the three emperors?"

Tae-woong finally straightened up. "The means, the tool and the end."

"You already said that but what does it mean?"

"Three emperors. One is the means, one is the tool and one is the end."

"What?" Byul frowned.

"Three emperors. Three Jungs? Me, Ha-eun and..." WheeIn gasped. "My father. The means, the tool and the end?"

Tae-woong nodded.

"I don't get it. Can't you just tell us where Ha-eun is?" Byul had grown impatient.

"I can't. I really can't. I don't know where she is. My orders were to stalk and attack you and your friends. I refused to have anything to do with the girl so I know nothing of his plan for her."



Hwasa reappeared at the door. "Him again! Ten seconds!"

Byul released WheeIn's hand and ran back to the conference room.

"Where is Ha-eun?" she shouted at the speaker the moment she stepped foot inside the room.

"You're quite a fast runner, Inspector Moon. You want the girl? You can have her. On one condition."


"We trade."

"What do you want?" asked Byul.




WheeIn's voice startled everyone.

"Hi, Kitty. I'll trade your little girl for your other girl. How's that? Think about it. See ya."

The line went dead and WheeIn firmly grabbed Byul's shoulder. "Do not even think about it, Star."

"But Ha-eun-..."

"We'll find another way. There has to be another way." WheeIn fisted Byul's collar. "I am not losing you," she said through gritted teeth as her eyes began to tear up. "You hear me? I'm not losing you. I can't lose you. I can't... I can't..."

Byul pulled the now crying WheeIn into another hug. "You won't lose me. We'll come up with a plan. I won't go in without a plan," she comforted her, stroking her hair. "The most important thing is to get Ha-eun back. I'll manage the rest. Okay?"

The others began to enter the room slowly, quietly. They had overheard everything and knew that it wouldn't be easy to get Byul out should she decide to really switch places with Ha-eun. But for WheeIn's sake, no one dared say a word about it.

There was a beep from Byul's pocket, piercing the awkward and tense silence in the large room.

Byul took one hand off of WheeIn so she could take her phone out and check the incoming message.

Her breath caught when she saw the sender's name.

The message was short: "Sorry. Ha-eun's okay."

Byul immediately tried calling the number but, just like before, it was switched off.

"What is it? Who is it?" asked WheeIn.

Byul showed WheeIn the message and, for the first time, heard WheeIn curse that loud and that long in English.

"Hey, it's okay." Byul quickly took her phone back then calmed WheeIn down. "We'll get her back."

"How? By letting you take her place? I don't think so."

"I agree with WheeIn, Byul."

They turned their heads to see the Commissioner walking inside with Jin Young and Dong Woo behind him.

"You know he won't let you go once he has you," continued the man.

"We'll come up with something, Sir. I'm sure we can think of something," said Byul.

"Since your team has sustained some injury, ours is ready to assist you in any way we can," said Jin Young. "This good-for-nothing nephew has gone too far."

Dong Woo nodded in agreement.

"Where's your captain?" asked the Commissioner.

"Right here, Sir." Solar suddenly appeared at the door with Bo Mi and other lab technicians behind her, carrying all sorts of equipment. "We tried tracing the call but all we know is that it came from somewhere in Seongdong District."

"You couldn't narrow it down?" Byul asked.

"Unfortunately not. He used an internet-based call and an anonymous proxy plus his IP is spoofed, hidden," said Bo Mi. "We can try to pinpoint a more exact location but we need more time. He hung up before we could do much."

"He'll call again so make sure you're ready next time," ordered the Commissioner to the technicians who were setting up camp in the conference room, turning it into a command center for the team.

"Now let's come up with that plan," said Jin Young. "I don't think he has that many men left. His uncle wouldn't let him use too many resources so he probably had to hire his own small group of thugs. We can take him."

"Not until I have Ha-eun back," said Byul. "I don't want to risk it."

"Then what do you suggest we do?"

"We'll do as he says."

"Star!" WheeIn instantly protested, taking a step back to look at Byul.

"I'll go in there, he'll release Ha-eun and then you guys come and get me," Byul continued in spite of WheeIn's objection.

"If you're still alive by then," murmured Hwasa.

"I'll be fine," Byul told her petite friend.

"You can't know that. He could easily finish you the moment he got his hands on you. That's the hard fact, Byul."

"I'll buy time," insisted Byul.


"I'll think of something!"

"Not good enough," said Hwasa firmly. "This isn't just some rookie criminal wannabe, Byul. This is someone who has spent the past year, maybe more, preparing for this moment! It's too dangerous to face him alone!"


Byul's voice silenced everyone, including the Commissioner.

She then realized what she just did and quickly bowed to the man and the other senior officers. "I apologize but right now, I don't see how we can get Ha-eun back safely without doing as he says. If anyone has another, better idea then by all means, tell me. But if you don't, then with all due respect, just let me do this. Please."

WheeIn shook her head and broke free from Byul's hand that was still holding hers. She half ran out of the room, refusing to hear or accept any of it.

Byul took a deep breath but didn't go after WheeIn.

"Byul..." Jimin gestured at the door. "Aren't you gonna-..."

"Let's come up with that plan," Byul said to the others, choosing to ignore her breaking heart and WheeIn's reaction. She didn't want to hurt her but there was nothing else she could do at the moment. Sorry, Whee. Just trust me. Let me do this.



Seulgi slowly and awkwardly took a seat next to the quiet WheeIn.

"Good thing nothing's fractured, just a silly whiplash. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to survive the teasing and I probably would have to escape from the hospital in that butt-revealing gown," she tried to joke.


"They told me everything. Byul knows what she's doing, Whee. And she loves you too much to be suicidal, if that's what you're afraid of."

WheeIn closed her eyes after taking another deep breath. "There has to be another way," she mumbled against her knees, pulling her legs closer.

"We're pressed for time so I'm afraid this is the only option we have."

With a sigh, WheeIn finally lifted her head, looking up at the dark night sky. "Did he call again?"

"Yeah. He's given us the time and place. They're finalizing the plan as we speak." Seulgi tried to turn then patted WheeIn's back as gently as she could. Her movements were restricted by the padded brace around her neck so it was awkward at best.

"This is all done to hurt me, isn't it?" asked WheeIn. "I'm the reason why you're injured, why everyone is in this situation."

"Don't say that. It's not your fault. He's just an evil deranged scumbag who loves to ruin people's lives. He's selfish. You helped get him off the streets. You did something good," said Seulgi. "The way he blackmails people..." She shook her head and scoffed. "I used to think that we can't judge people as 100% evil or 100% good because nobody's perfect and because there's always a bit of both in each person. Some just made wrong decisions while others thought they weren't doing anything wrong. They were simply doing what they wanted, justifying the means by the end or however that saying goes."

WheeIn blinked when she heard that.

"But this Ji Soo is 100% evil. I don't think I can ever believe that there's some good-..."

"Seulgi! THAT'S IT!"

Seulgi jumped in her seat and flinched. "Don't startle me like that!" She rubbed the neck brace. "I'm supposed to limit my movements!"

"Sorry!" WheeIn hopped off the stone bench and ran back inside the station.

"That strange woman," muttered Seulgi to herself as she slowly walked out of the small garden.


"I think we're good to go," Jin Young said with a frown. His eyes were still on the map. "There's just one exit though so you need to stay alive until we can get to you," he told Byul.

"I'll be fine. Just make sure you have Ha-eun then-..."

The door opened roughly, surprising everyone in the room.

"The end, the tool and the means. The three emperors. Three Jungs," said WheeIn who walked inside, approaching Byul.


"Ha-eun is the means, my father is the tool and I'm the end. This whole thing is done to hurt me. I'm the target. But he used my father as his tool to take Ha-eun. Then use that to get you," WheeIn told Byul as she stood in front of her. "Because then he'll get me as well. He knows my biggest weakness, he knows how to kill me without even touching me." Her eyes were filled with fear when they looked into Byul's.

"Hey," Byul said in a soft tone. "If anyone's doing any killing here, it would be me." She wanted to comfort WheeIn but remembered where they were so she stopped herself and settled with holding WheeIn's hand for now.

The inspector then turned around, looking at the commanding officers and her team. "We're good, right? It's settled?"

"Yes, Byul. There's still time before we have to move out," said the Commissioner.

"Thank you, Sir."

Byul bowed to him then pulled WheeIn out of the conference room, into an empty viewing room. She hugged her as soon as she had closed the door. "He won't get me or you. He's not getting anyone."

WheeIn began to cry, tightening her arms around Byul. "What would I do without you?" she whispered through her sobs.

"You'll never be without me. We'll rescue Ha-eun and get rid of that trash of a man once and for all," said Byul as she placed a kiss on WheeIn's temple. "Then we'll adopt her and you'll ask me to marry you and we'll run off to Disneyland."

WheeIn chuckled despite herself when she heard that last one. She lifted her head and let Byul kiss her. "I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing. It's not your fault," mumbled Byul through the kisses. "It was never your fault."

Their kisses grew fervent and intense because no matter how much they hated to admit it, there was a chance that this could be the last time they were able to hold each other like this.

"I love you, Star," WheeIn said then burst into tears again.

"I love you too." Byul buried her face in WheeIn's hair and tightened her arms. "I'll come back to you." She meant it because the last thing she wanted was to put WheeIn through what she had gone through when he left.

They held onto each other, reluctant to let go even for a second.

"I'm sorry I let your father get too close," said Byul. "You were right. I shouldn't have trusted him."

"You meant well and for a second, I also thought he was really going to change," replied WheeIn with a sigh. "I just hope Ha-eun's okay. She's traumatized enough as it is."

"I hope so too."

Byul's lips found WheeIn's again and she kissed her with everything she had, knowing that it would soon be time to leave.

WheeIn could sense the worry and fear behind the cool and confident front. She knew what lay behind these passionate kisses.

Her hands automatically clenched behind Byul's back, gripping Byul's shirt until her fists shook and her knuckles turned white.

As expected, Byul's phone soon beeped, triggering another round of tears from the both of them.

"I'll be back," whispered Byul one last time as she tried to smile from behind her glistening eyes. "Don't worry about me."

WheeIn refused to let go.

Another beep followed and Byul reluctantly loosened her hold.



WheeIn shook her head, leaning it against Byul's chest.

Byul relented and stayed put, waiting for someone to actually come and get her.

There was a knock on the door a few minutes later and she regretfully pried WheeIn's hands off of her crumpled shirt. "I love you," she said as she placed one last kiss on WheeIn's forehead and wiped the tear-streaked cheeks. She then held WheeIn's hand and led her out of the room.

WheeIn kept her head down until Byul released her hand to go get ready.

She sat on a chair, staring into space, not even realizing that Jimin and Seulgi had come to sit next to her.

Her eyes never left the corridor that led to the locker room where Byul was changing her clothes.

She only moved when Byul reemerged and followed her to the conference room.

WheeIn stood at the door, watching Bo Mi test the small camera that looked like a button on Byul's shirt. She didn't move or say a word even as the team did another run through of the plan. Her eyes were fixed on Byul and her heart never stopped praying that this wouldn't be the last time she saw her.

"Okay. We're good to go. As soon as you have Ha-eun, just go in," said Byul. "Don't worry about me." She patted her pockets and fixed the hidden camera once more. "Whew. Feels strange without my gun," she tried to smile.

"Try not to bash his face too much, okay? I wanna see what the plastic surgeon did," joked Seulgi from her seat.

"And we still want to try rearranging that face ourselves too," said Tae Hyung, waving his bandaged hand.

"Don't worry. I'll leave you guys some," replied Byul with a grin. Her smile shook when her eyes caught WheeIn's. I'll come back to you. I will try my best to come back to you.

"Okay. Let's move out," ordered Solar. "We need to be on time."

The room cleared out as technicians and police officers left to execute their tasks. Before long, Byul and WheeIn were the only people there, staring at each other in silence.

Byul slowly approached WheeIn by the door and hugged her, telling her to stay at the station with Seulgi and Jimin.

"I'm not staying here. I'm coming with you," said WheeIn stubbornly.

"I have to go alone, Whee."

"Then I'll wait in the car with Yong and the others."

Byul shook her head. "Too risky. What if he sees you? It will put both Ha-eun and you in danger. I'm sorry but we have to play by his rules until we get Ha-eun back."

"I'll go crazy just waiting without knowing whether you're safe or not!"

"Sorry. We have no choice." She kissed her. "I'll be back. Don't worry about me."

Byul then took a step back, regretfully withdrawing her hands from around WheeIn. She smiled sadly at her, suppressing her aching heart. "Gotta go. See you in a few hours."


"No, Whee. You stay here." Byul began to walk away.

"I'll walk you out." WheeIn went after Byul and held her hand, walking alongside her towards the exit until they stopped next to Byul's car.

WheeIn gave Byul's hand a squeeze before she kissed her cheek and whispered, "I love you. Come back to me, okay?"

Byul smiled and nodded. "I will. Bye."


I hope this suffies.... I cried a lot proof reading this ... my heart ached a lot... My internalization hit me so hard.... 

Please don't forget to vote...

Sorry for the long update....

so excited for My Con next next week..... 

Now With U (Living In The Past - Book 2) (WheeByul)Where stories live. Discover now