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"Good morning," Byul greeted the huffing WheeIn who was clinging to her. She chuckled. "The return of Koala Jung," she said as she lightly kissed the top of WheeIn's head.

WheeIn felt the kiss. She tried to open her eyes. "Why are you up?" She mumbled drowsily against Byul's collarbone.

"Big day today."

"Huh?" WheeIn wasn't able to register that. She tried racking her sleepy brain for any important thing that they were supposed to attend or do but couldn't come up with anything. She ended up just tightening her hold on Byul - her mind a complete blank.

Byul chuckled. She adjusted her position to let WheeIn cling more comfortably. "Fine. I'll give you five more minutes," she said, closing her eyes again.

They woke up more than an hour later instead.

Byul had to laugh when she looked at the time. "Wow. I was tired alright," she mumbled to herself.

"Hm?" WheeIn stretched, moving away from Byul. She shivered when she felt the cold air in the room. She quickly curled up under the blanket again, snuggling close to Byul.

"We need to get up, Whee."

She pretended not to hear that.

"You can play lazy tomorrow. Let's go." Byul gently hit WheeIn's butt to wake her up.

WheeIn groaned, refusing to move.


She sighed. "Where are we going anyway?"

"You'll see. It's very important to me."

WheeIn opened her eyes. She saw Byul smiling at her.

"There you go." Byul sat up. "Let's go." She got off the bed, grabbing a clean towel on her way to the bathroom.

WheeIn stretched long and hard before she slowly sat up. She noticed that Byul was missing and huffed again before throwing herself back down on the mattress. She let her brain catch up. 

What's the big deal about today? Who are we going to meet? She stared at the ceiling. She suddenly felt something uncomfortably tangled between her toes. She tried kicking it off but it stayed stuck so she finally shoved the blanket aside and lifted her foot to look. She chuckled when she saw the pink ribbon, now crumpled. She's pretty amazing, she mused to herself when she remembered the things Byul had done to cheer her up. Her smile faded a bit. I shouldn't be keeping things from her especially after all her effort in opening up to me - even about him. She sat up, absentmindedly playing with the pink ribbon in her hand.

"You're up? Good."

She turned her head when she saw Byul walking inside the room.

"Now go get ready." Byul walked over to the dresser, still drying her hair with the towel.

WheeIn dropped the ribbon and scooted off the bed lazily. She was about to walk out the door when she felt a hand grabbing her wrist, pulling her back.

Byul swiftly pulled WheeIn, wrapping her arms around her waist. She kissed her, ignoring the morning breath.

"What's that for?" WheeIn asked after the kiss.

"I just feel like it." Byul grinned. She was excited for today even though she wasn't really sure why. It felt like she was going to let the two most important people in her life meet - like bringing WheeIn home to her parents. She grinned even wider at the thought of that. She kissed her again.

Now With U (Living In The Past - Book 2) (WheeByul)Where stories live. Discover now