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Solar was about to close her office door when she saw Byul approaching her. "You're back?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah. We brought him in."

"Ha Jun?"

Byul nodded. "I was going to ask you to oversee the interrogation."

"Sure." Solar then remembered something. "What about the lunch?"

Byul winced. "Almost forgot about that." She took out her phone and dialed Seulgi's number. "Hey Seul, where are you? Ah okay. Can you tell everyone to just go ahead and eat first? The rest of us might be late. I just brought Ha Jun in for questioning." She paused to listen to her friend. "Okay great. We'll see you soon."

Solar was surprised. "You called Seulgi?"

"Err... yes?"

"Not WheeIn?"

Byul said nothing. She pocketed her phone and turned around. "Let's go."

Solar closed her office door and followed Byul. "Are you two having a fight?"


"Yesterday you were lovey-dovey and now you're fighting?" Solar still wanted an answer.

"It happens, okay? It's called being in a relationship, Kim Yongsun." Byul didn't want to elaborate more on the matter.

Solar stuck her tongue out. "I'm not a teenager, you know. I asked because I was curious. What happened?"

"It's nothing serious." Byul didn't want Solar to worry or misunderstand. "I was tired and she was..." She paused. "I'm not sure what she was thinking but it's really not a big deal."

"Okay. I won't pry. If it's not serious then by all means, fight away. It's strangely soothing to know that you two argue from time to time."

"Of course we do!" Byul looked at Solar with wide eyes. "We're just your average normal couple."

"Sometimes I forget that because usually your sweet yucky mushiness rate is off the charts." Solar grinned.

Byul glared at Solar who was still grinning when she entered the viewing room.

The inspector took a deep breath before stepping inside the interrogation room where Tae Hyung and Hwasa were. She nodded at the young assistant inspector who then left, joining Solar in the other room.

Byul took a seat next to Hwasa who had been staring quietly at the man.

Taking Ha Jun in was easy. He was caught off guard when Byul and Hwasa suddenly reappeared in front of his apartment door after being let in by the building guard. He knew he couldn't escape so he just followed quietly. He didn't even ask for a lawyer.

"So, Mr Ha Jun..." Byul opened one of the folders Hwasa had handed her. "Shin Rin-Ah." She took out the girl's picture and showed it to him once again. "You know her, don't you?"

The man glanced at the photograph then looked away while refusing to answer.

"You placed a call right after we left. You even went all the way to a payphone a few blocks away to do so," continued Byul. "That's not a common behavior of an innocent man, Mr Jun. You are hiding something."

"You barely glanced at the other children's photographs," added Hwasa. "But you practically stared at Rin-Ah's picture." She tapped the photograph. "Why? Do you know who did this to her?"

Now With U (Living In The Past - Book 2) (WheeByul)Where stories live. Discover now