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"Have a safe flight, Mr. Jung," said Byul as she hugged the man carefully. Although it had been nearly a month, her ribs hadn't fully healed yet so she was still experiencing a bit of pain when breathing.

"Thank you, Byul, and for letting me stay at your place these past few weeks."

"It's no problem. Thanks for keeping it clean."

The man let go of Byul then moved to the other, quieter, woman. "Um... thank you," he said awkwardly, unsure of what to do.

WheeIn extended her hand and he shook it.

"Oh come on. Just a little awkward hug? Pretend that your ribs also hurt like mine," teased Byul when she saw the gesture.

WheeIn hesitated but finally did what Byul told her to, awkwardly hugging the man and quickly withdrawing her arms afterwards.

"Have a safe flight," WheeIn told the man.

"I will. Thanks again for everything," he said with a smile, clearly unable to contain his joy after that hug.

"Go say goodbye to Grandpa," Byul urged the girl who had been watching everything quietly.

"Bye, Grandpa," Ha-eun said and let the man hug her.

"Bye, Ha-eun." He patted her head. "Next time, you come visit me and we'll go to an even bigger amusement park. Okay?"

"Okay!" replied the girl cheerfully.

After more bows to Solar and her mother, Mr. Jung got into the waiting taxi and rode away.

WheeIn exhaled in relief once the door had been closed and they had gone back inside the house.

"Proud of you," whispered Byul in WheeIn's ear as she leaned on her, carefully making her way back to their room.

"Thanks. I'm not quite there yet, you know."

"I know. I'd be surprised if you're already there. But it's a step in the right direction and I'm happy to see it."


"So you're not coming home with us?" asked the little girl with a sad look on her face.

"Not yet but I will, soon," said WheeIn.


"Because I need her to help me around the house, just for a little while," said Solar's mother from behind WheeIn. "You are welcome to visit and sleep over anytime you want."

"I will still pick you up from school, help you with homework and everything. Nothing will change." WheeIn stooped to pick the girl up, chuckling when Ha-eun practically strangled her. "Y-yah. I can't breathe," she said while trying to loosen the girl's arms from around her neck. "It's just for a few months, Ha-eun-ah. Don't worry. Besides, you still have Star, you know."

"You won't leave me?" Ha-eun asked. Her lips trembled and her eyes had started to glisten.

"Of course not! I will never leave you." WheeIn placed a kiss on the girl's cheek. "I love you. Don't you ever forget that."

"Then why can't you come home with us?"

"Like imo said, I need to stay here and help her. Just for a while, okay?"

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Not at all. You did nothing wrong. It's just work, something that I have to do. Trust me, you won't even notice I'm gone. In fact, you'll see me again tomorrow. That's fast, right?"

Now With U (Living In The Past - Book 2) (WheeByul)Where stories live. Discover now