AFTER 7 YEARS (Part 7)

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WheeIn woke up to an empty bed. She stretched and switched off her alarm before sluggishly going out of the bedroom.

The apartment was quiet with no sign of Byul or Ha-eun.

"Star?" she called out. "Ha-eun-ah?"

When no one answered, she went back to the bedroom to get her phone to text Byul. That was when she saw the message Byul left her.

"We're getting breakfast. Will be back in time to drive you to work."

She unconsciously smiled while replying. "Let me guess. You're at McDonalds, aren't you?"

"You're up? Good guess, by the way. Got you your McMuffin. Heading back now."

"I know you too well. Drive safely."

She put the phone down and took a quick shower.

The front door opened while she was getting dressed. She heard voices and was relieved to know that Ha-eun was doing most of the talking.

"You guys woke up early," she commented, walking out of the bedroom after she finished getting ready.

"It's Saturday. Junk food day," said Ha-eun cheerfully from her seat in front of the TV, taking a bite from her breakfast.

"Did you know that our little genius here can list every single toy in every Happy Meal series for the past two years?" Byul asked WheeIn through a mouthful of food.

"I didn't know that. How did you do it?" WheeIn asked the girl. She let out a small yelp when Byul slapped her butt as she walked past her. "Behave, Inspector Moon," she hissed, glaring at the smirking Byul.

"I simply memorized them every time you took me to McDonald's," answered Ha-eun without turning her head.

"This means we've been taking you there way too often," said WheeIn jokingly.

"No, we haven't," argued Byul. "It means that our daughter is very perceptive and smart." She beamed proudly at Ha-eun who was still watching TV while finishing her meal.

"That too," agreed WheeIn. She took the coffee Byul bought her and started on her breakfast. "I can drive myself to work, you know. You don't have to drive me."

"I want to drive you."

"You'll be late for work. Yong might scold you."

"It's her day off so I'm in charge. And I already told Seulgi that I was going to come in a bit late this morning. I've also told her our theory about Kim Go-eun. She's gonna look into it," countered Byul. "By the way, did I tell you that Seul went on yet another date last night?"

"Already? I thought she just went on a date the night before?"

"She did do that and she went on another one just last night."

"Wow. I need to interrogate her. This sounds promising," WheeIn said.

"She told me and Yong to keep it quiet though. She said she'd tell us when the time's right so you might want to refrain yourself from interrogating her. Give her some space." Byul finished her food and began cleaning up when she noticed that Ha-eun was done eating, gathering the wrappers from her and Ha-eun's breakfast.

They arrived at Irene's restaurant in time to see the owner stepping inside with her toddler in tow.

Ha-eun rushed out of the car after saying a speedy goodbye to Byul to catch up with Irene.

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