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"Excuse me, Commissioner. Captain Kim Yongsun is here to see you," the assistant said.

"Send her in."

Solar walked inside and bowed to the man behind the large desk.

"Take a seat. Jin Young will be here soon," said the Commissioner. "Have you had lunch?"

"Yes. Grabbed something on the way here," answered Solar as she took a seat.

"Ah too bad. I was going to share my lunch with you." He lifted a neatly packed lunchbox from under his desk.

"More like making me eat all your lunch. Umma's gonna be angry if you don't eat her cooking, Appa. Did you eat out again?"

He deflated as he set the box back under his desk. "Yes. In my defense, eating out once a week should be allowed. I mean, not that I don't like your mother's cooking but it's kinda... bland." He grimaced as he thought about his wife's many attempts and advices to keep him healthy.

"I'll be home late then. I do not want to hear the long lecture about your cholesterol level or witness the bloody slaughter of a finale," she teased. "I'm afraid that it would affect my view of you as the Commissioner, my superior, to see you so whipped by a mere housewife."

"My daughter the comedian. Ha ha ha. How hilarious," he stated flatly.

Solar had to laugh at his expression.

Another knock came from the door and the assistant reappeared. "Senior Inspector Jung Jin Young is here to see you, Sir."

"Send him in."

Solar stood up and bowed to the man who greeted her and the Commissioner.

"Have a seat and let's get started."

Jin Young and Solar both sat down and took out their notes.

"I guess you two could guess why I called you here on such short notice," began the Commissioner. "I've released the information on Eun Won-jae to Captain Kim and her team," he told Jin Young. "Won-jae's brother, Ji-won, is a person of interest in the case of So Ji Soo's death. And I think, at this point, we should try to share as much information as we can and try to help each other out. Also, a member of Captain Kim's team was attacked last night."

"Really? Who?" Jin Young turned his head towards Solar.

"Assistant Inspector Lee Jung Hwan (Sandeul). His tail lost him for a few minutes when he was at the market and found him unconscious in an alley, beaten. I know it could just be a random incident but I'm not taking any chances so I've alerted the team that's supposed to shadow us," Solar said. "Right now, my team is looking into Ji Soo's death. Inspector Moon suspected foul play because what your team found at the last raid seemed too personal for Ji-sub."

"But not for Ji Soo?"

"He was known to be reckless and had a tendency to get too personal."

"And based on your suspicions, you're now officially investigating his death?"

"Not yet. I'm still waiting for results from my team members who are in Suncheon right now, questioning the people involved. If they find enough information to suggest reasonable doubt, I will submit a request to reopen the case."

"I see. What does this have to do with Won-jae then?" asked Jin Young.

"Won-jae's older brother, Ji-won is one of the nurses in charge of Ji Soo's treatment during his stay at the hospital," explained Solar. "He could be the one who helped Ji Soo fake his death if Ji-sub had threatened him. It had happened before, causing his family to move to Seoul and his brother to work for Ji-sub."

Now With U (Living In The Past - Book 2) (WheeByul)Where stories live. Discover now