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Byul looked up from her computer to see Solar coming to stand in front of her desk.

"Can I talk to you for a bit?" asked the captain. "You too, Whee," she told WheeIn before gesturing towards her office.

"Sure." Byul stood up, shot WheeIn a questioning glance then walked with her towards Solar's office. "What's up?" she asked as soon as she had closed the door behind her.

Solar waited until the other two had taken a seat before she carefully began talking - hands clasped on her desk. "How's the adoption thing going?"

"We've brought the attorney to Mrs. Han's house to talk to her. The papers are slowly being taken care of so you could say that things are going as planned. Why?" Byul asked.

"Well, the reason I need to talk to you about this is that, unfortunately, I can't really let you continue leaving work too often to pick her up from school," said Solar with an apologetic smile. "I was willing to let you do it these past couple of weeks because of our circumstances but it can't be a permanent thing, I'm afraid. I'm sorry, my hands are tied. There are rules that we must adhere to."

"That's totally understandable," said WheeIn. "But does that apply to me as well? I mean, I can understand Byul's obligations but can you make an exception for me? It'll be quick. I'll just pick her up from school and be back here before you know it."

"Who would look after Ha-eun until you're done with work?" asked Solar.

"Um... can't I bring her here? She's been here a lot, she's not a difficult kid and everybody loves her."

"True but, unfortunately, this isn't a daycare, Whee." Solar exhaled. "I'm really sorry but we have to work something out. This work environment isn't exactly a safe one for a child and it's against policy to bring a child to work every day."

Byul looked at WheeIn. They hadn't really thought about this with everything that had been going on. Their first priority was to secure Ha-eun as theirs. The rest, they thought, would be figured out as they went along.

Solar seemed to understand what was going on. She smiled and leaned back in her chair. "I have a suggestion to make."

"What suggestion?" asked Byul.

"Whee, are you still going to get your driver's license?" Solar turned her head towards WheeIn.

"Yes. Why?"

"Good. Then you can go ahead with your plan to pick up Ha-eun from school every day."

"But you said-..."

"And after that, you can take her home and let her do her homework or play peacefully."


"I've talked to the Commissioner," said Solar. "He wants to see you two to discuss what he called 'the life-changing decision and huge responsibility that is parenting', by the way," she added then laughed before turning serious again. "But seriously, we've talked and he said WheeIn can work less hours daily. You would have to make up for those hours, of course, so we've decided to extend your commitment to us instead. It would probably total up to a year extra, give or take a few months," she explained. "What do you think?"

"Will that be okay?" WheeIn asked in half-disbelief since it sounded so simple.

"Do you mind working with us for another year?"

"Not at all."

"Then yes, it should be okay," said Solar with a smile. "The Commissioner himself has approved it, WheeIn. It's all good. You've been a valuable aid to our team so consider this part of our recognition. Besides, if you ever need a babysitter, I know someone who's always available and more than willing to do it for free."

"Who?" Byul asked. She thought about each of her and WheeIn's friends but none of them fit Solar's description since they were all busy people.

"Someone who's been nagging me about marriage and grandchildren," said Solar with a smile.

"Who-... oh no. We don't want to trouble your mother," Byul quickly replied. She stole a glance at WheeIn, hoping that the latter wouldn't react badly to it considering their old argument about family and him. The last thing Byul wanted to do was make WheeIn feel uncomfortable or be constantly reminded of him.

"It will be no trouble. She's been asking about Ha-eun almost every day anyway. I think she misses the kid. The house was much livelier when she was around, that I have to admit," Solar said, fully aware of the quiet WheeIn. "This is just an option, Whee," she told her. "Please don't feel obliged to agree. My mother's willing to help out if you guys need a babysitter. That's all I'm saying."

"We'll think about it. Tell her thanks and that she's welcome to come visit Ha-eun anytime she wants. We can also drop by your house if she wants," said WheeIn.

"I'll do that."

The two soon left Solar's office and the station to get lunch.

"What's on your mind?" Byul asked the quiet WheeIn once she had driven out of the parking lot.


Byul stole a quick side-glance. "Don't feel obliged. Omoni was just trying to help. We don't have to say yes to her."

"I wasn't thinking about that."

"Oh? What were you thinking about then?"

"She's alone most of the time, isn't she?" asked WheeIn. She couldn't shake Solar's words out of her mind about her mother and the implied silence in the house the woman occupied alone for the most part of the day.

"Well... I guess so. Ahboji and Yong are always working so-..."

"When the time comes for me to temporarily move out, where do you think I should stay?"


"I've thought of a few options."

"You're not staying at Irene's or Wendy's," replied Byul. "Not safe."

"Where then?"

"I... I'm not sure," answered Byul hesitantly. "Haven't given it much thought, to be honest. I feel like we need to take it slow, make sure Ha-eun feels safe enough with us before we can even hint about the new living arrangement."

"But if you don't want me to stay with Irene or Wendy... should we rent a small apartment for a few months?"

Byul shook her head. "I don't want you to live alone. Not safe either. Maybe you can stay with Seul or Hwasa for a while?"

"I was thinking of a place where Ha-eun could also spend the night should you have to work late and although they wouldn't mind having Ha-eun there, their apartments aren't that big and I don't want to impose on their busy lives."

"What do you suggest then?"

"Since imo is alone most of the time and their house should be a lot safer and bigger than our friends'..."

Byul raised her eyebrows. "Yong's? You don't mind staying at Yong's?" She had briefly considered that option too but figured that WheeIn wouldn't want to stay in that particular house since they didn't know how long the adoption process would take.

"Not if they'll have me. I can keep imo company. Plus Ha-eun knows her and Samchon so she wouldn't feel like I'm disappearing somewhere. We can come up with an easier excuse too. All in all, it's the most convenient option we have for now."

Byul didn't say another word until they reached the restaurant. She kept going over the idea in her head while they sat down and placed their order. By the time they started eating, she had come to the conclusion that it was indeed the safest option they had on such short notice.

"Okay then," she finally said.

"You're done thinking? Wow. That's fast," teased WheeIn.

"Hey, I have to go through everything. This decision shouldn't be taken lightly. Your safety is my number one concern."

WheeIn smiled. "Was just teasing you, Inspector." She reached across the table and patted Byul's hand. "Thanks."

"You're welcome. And you're right, if I have to work late or leave town for a bit, Ha-eun can stay with you at Yong's," replied Byul as she wiped her mouth. "One important thing though, are you sure you're okay living in that house?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You know what I mean," Byul softened her tone. "If you're uncomfortable with it, I'd rather have you stay somewhere else."

"But you said this was the best option."

"Safety wise, yes, but I don't want to pressure you to be in a situation that you don't want to be in."

WheeIn cracked a small smile, happy to see and hear Byul's sincerity. "I'll be fine. I suggested it, didn't I?"

"Are you sure?"


"Are you very very sure?"

"Yes, Star. I am very very sure," said WheeIn with a chuckle. "If anything, we should worry about them being uncomfortable with me there."

"That won't happen. They're like my own parents so they should already consider you their daughter as well by now."

WheeIn's smile grew even wider. "I love you," she blurted out randomly.

Byul was about to put another spoonful of soup into her mouth but stopped when she heard what WheeIn said. "What?" She looked at her and blinked, unsure that she had heard right.

"What? I can't say that?"

"You can but... we're having lunch."


"So... it's... a bit uncommon?" Byul hesitantly said. "Plus this isn't exactly me being loveable." She pointed at the spoon and her face.

WheeIn shook her head quietly and resumed eating with a smile permanently plastered on her face.

"You're weird, Miss Jung," said Byul after observing WheeIn for a moment, "but I love you too."

They suddenly laughed, feeling a bit embarrassed by their own behavior but couldn't deny the happiness they felt inside. It was these little random moments that they loved most about their relationship.

"Hurry and finish your food. We still have to mail your packages to your father."


WheeIn fixed the grinning girl's hair, making sure that the flower pin wouldn't fall off her head, then checked everything from top to toe once more.

"Come on. They're about to start," said Byul who approached the two. "Someone's looking very pretty," she commented as she bent down to kiss Ha-eun's cheek.

They heard rustling and turned their heads to see Irene, her parents and the bridesmaids walking out of the prep room.

"Wow," Byul straightened up. "You look gorgeous, Joohyun."

"Why thank you, Byul."

"We better go inside now." WheeIn tugged at Byul's arm. "Do well, Ha-eun-ah," she told the girl.

"I will!"

Byul chuckled, patted the girl's head then followed WheeIn's pull towards the ballroom.

The ceremony went well, thankfully, aside from a cute small mishap by the ring bearer who seemed to have forgotten his duty halfway down the aisle and strayed to run to his mother instead.

Ha-eun cutely succeeded in her task, throwing bits of confetti and flower petals as she walked down the white carpet. She didn't even forget to pose and smile at Byul and Solar's father who were taking pictures of her.

The girl giggled happily in her seat when she earned herself praises and kisses from both Byul and WheeIn for a job well done.

The hotel was well guarded, since Solar's father was there too, so Byul could gradually begin to relax and even enjoy the party that directly followed the holy matrimony.

Spirits were high as the older people began to leave, letting the younger ones have fun on their own. Solar's parents were among those who left a bit early because they had another event they had to attend.

"Have you talked to them about that idea I told you about yesterday?" Byul asked Solar after she was done laughing at Ha-eun and WheeIn who were dancing with their friends on the dance floor.

Solar nodded. "They love the idea. Appa has one condition though."

"That we sit down and have that talk with him about parenting?"

"You know it."

They both laughed.

"Okay. We'll come over next weekend and he can lecture his heart out."

"Good. I'll tell him." Solar finished her drink then turned her head towards the dance floor. "You're lucky, Byul. You got a second chance plus a little bonus."

Byul followed Solar's line of sight and smiled. "Yeah." Her smile faltered a bit when she thought about the man still detained at the station and the unsolved attacks on her teammates. "I'll hunt down anyone who tries to hurt them, Yong. I wouldn't even mind turning my badge in."

"Byul, don't talk like that."

Byul said nothing more as she stood up to join the fun. She walked up to WheeIn and kissed her cheek, eliciting stares from people around the dance floor. She didn't care. She was happy and those stares couldn't and wouldn't take away her happiness.

"You okay?" whispered WheeIn in Byul's ear since the music was quite loud.

Byul nodded and smiled. She then grabbed Ha-eun's hands and started dancing dorkily with her, laughing when Seulgi and Yeri suddenly appeared with their own dorky dances. Even Tae Hyung broke out into weird moves that ended up in some funny dance off with Yeri.

The party went on for another hour before some people began to take their leave so the group decided to call it a night too.

Xiumin, who was surprisingly Hwasa's plus one, was in charge of driving Hwasa and Seulgi home. Solar had arrived with her parents so Xiumin kindly offered her a ride home along with the other two ladies.

The usual round of teasing filled the corridor when the large group made their way out of the ballroom.

Ha-eun had grown tired and sleepy so she was now sulking and whining while clinging to WheeIn.

Byul noticed it and picked the girl up to let her sleep in her hold.

"Well, see ya on Monday, everyone," Seulgi waved to her friends. "And don't worry, I'll make sure that Xiumin doesn't try anything funny in the car."

"How would you know?" asked Yeri. "He'll drop you off first. You won't be able to monitor what they'll do after that," she said with a smirk.

The boys began to cough and whistle before running away when Xiumin pretended to want to kick their butts, shouting goodbyes to the rest.

"Those brats," mumbled Xiumin while fixing his suit. "Now then, let's get going. I think the little one is exhausted," he said, gesturing to the sleeping Ha-eun with his chin.

"Yeah. We better get going," replied WheeIn. "Bye guys."

They all parted ways, going to either the car park or the valet.

When they had reached the car, Byul carefully strapped Ha-eun in the back seat, trying not to disturb her sleep.

The exhausted girl didn't even move, luckily.

"Someone partied too hard," said WheeIn with a chuckle from the front seat.

After driving quietly for a while, Byul reached out for WheeIn's hand and held it.

"You okay?" asked WheeIn.

"Yeah." Byul briefly smiled at WheeIn before returning her sight to the road ahead. "I'm happy. Despite not knowing what's going to happen next, right now, I'm happy."

WheeIn squeezed Byul's hand. "I'm happy too. Can we not think about Ji Soo or that random clue that Uhm Tae-woong left us and what not? Can we just live in the moment like Won-jae told us to and stay happy?"

"I still want to catch Ji Soo and take him out for good but until then, let's try our best to live in the moment," replied Byul. "But just so you know, any time I get to spend with you is always a happy time. And no, I'm not being cheesy, I'm just being honest," she quickly added before WheeIn could have a chance to tease her.

"I kinda miss your cheesiness though. Remember that time you bought that roll of pink ribbon on impulse?"

Byul chuckled. "We still have that somewhere. I'll go look for it."

"And Bali..."

Byul heaved a sigh. "Bali. That was awesome." She pulled WheeIn's hand and kissed it. "Let's save up and take Ha-eun somewhere once the adoption is settled."

"Bali is a bit far though."

"We can go somewhere close by like Japan or Hong Kong. Let's take her to Disneyland."

"She'd love that."

Byul stopped at the red light then turned her head to look at the back seat before she looked at WheeIn. "I think I can understand that Uhm Tae-woong better now despite hating what he did to our team."


"If someone were to put my family's safety under threat and use it to force me to do something, I'd probably do it even though I know it's bad or against the law."


"Wouldn't you?"

The light turned green so Byul let go of WheeIn's hand and continued driving.

"I probably would," admitted WheeIn. I already did that, as a matter fact, just to survive. She then looked out the window, lost in the mixed emotions of the moment's happiness and the worry and fear that seemed to never stop haunting her and her loved ones.


WheeIn had just switched on the apartment lights when Byul's phone rang.

Ha-eun woke up with a start thanks to the noise and started to whine so WheeIn swiftly took her from Byul's arms, carrying her to the bathroom to wash up before bed.

Byul saw Jimin's number flashing across her screen and quickly answered the call. "Hey, what's up?"

"Xiumin hyung's car got into an accident."

"W-What?!" Byul instantly tensed. "When? Where? How?"

"Not long after they left the hotel. Someone was following them so Hyung tried to shake the tail but there were more than one car so he couldn't avoid the accident."

"Is everyone okay?"

"Yes, everyone is shaken but okay. Hyung's car is a wreck though and Seulgi has been taken to the hospital. Her neck is hurting."

"Did anyone see anything?" Byul had begun to pace around the small foyer restlessly.

"Sandeul and Tae Hyung are at the scene, trying to get as many eye witness accounts as possible. The Captain has called Bo Mi to collect as much footage from the traffic and security cameras in the area as possible."

"Where are you now?"

"I'm at the station, on standby thanks to this stupid cast," replied Jimin in annoyance of his own condition.

"I'll call Yong. Keep me updated."

"Okay, Byul."

Byul hung up and rushed to the bathroom to find it empty. She went to Ha-eun's room and saw WheeIn tucking the girl in bed.

"Whee..." she called out through a whisper.

WheeIn switched on the night lamp and quickly left the room. "What's going on?" she asked Byul while closing the door behind her. She had heard some of Byul's conversation on the phone and knew that something had happened.

Byul briefly told WheeIn what Jimin had told her.

"Oh no! Is everyone okay?" WheeIn asked in worry.

"Yeah, everyone's fine. Seul's been taken to the hospital to get a check-up but Jimin said everyone's okay. I'm going to call Yong."

WheeIn sat on the couch and watched Byul call Solar.

"Yong, what happened? Where are you?" asked Byul as soon as the captain had picked up the phone.

"I'm still at the scene. Jimin told you?"

"Yes. What happened?"

"Xiumin realized that we were being followed not long after we left the hotel. He tried to shake the tail off but suddenly, out of nowhere, two more cars appeared, hitting us from all sides. It was pretty crazy since Xiumin had to avoid hitting other cars or pedestrians for as much as he could. I'm just glad that our shadowing officers reacted on time and so did the backup uniforms I called," Solar elaborated.

"Jimin said the car's a wreck."

"Well, it got hit many times so yeah, I'm afraid it's badly damaged."

"Let me know where you are, I'll be there in a few minutes," said Byul, already walking to the bedroom to change.

"No, Byul. I think it's better if you sit this one out."

"What?! Why?"

"Ssh! Star, Ha-eun..." WheeIn put a finger to her lips. She had followed Byul inside the bedroom.

Byul immediately lowered her voice. "Why can't I go there?"

"Because I have everything under control. You stay with WheeIn and Ha-eun for now and I'll see you at the station tomorrow," said Solar.

"There's something you're not telling me," replied Byul, finding the order to stay home at such a time to be unusual.

Solar hesitated. "One of the cars drove alongside us for a bit, taunting us. The man sitting in the passenger seat was wearing a cap and sunglasses. He looked faintly familiar but I wasn't sure who he was until he rolled down his window and held up what looked like a tablet with glowing letters on it."

"Huh? Why would that person do such a thing in the middle of an attack? Who was he?"

"The words were in English. 'Tell Kitty I said hi'."

Byul inhaled sharply.

"That's when I knew who he was."

Byul let out a curse and sat down on the bed, running her fingers through her hair in anger and frustration. "You should've just shot him!"

WheeIn sat next to Byul and put an arm around her, hoping to be able to console her somehow although she still wasn't sure what was going on.

"I didn't have my gun with me. None of us did. Xiumin oppa had a spare gun in his car but he was too busy trying to keep us alive," said Solar. "I've alerted your shadowing officers so they're now on full alert, watching over your apartment. But I'd feel better if you stayed with WheeIn for the night. We have everything under control here and I'll keep you updated through the entire thing."

"Okay," Byul couldn't think of anywhere she'd rather be after she heard that disturbing fact about one of the attackers. "You didn't get a good look at his face?"

"It was dark and he was wearing a cap and sunglasses. I couldn't pinpoint the exact changes on his face. Besides, it could just be one of his men."

"Very unlikely."

"Anyway, let's just talk about this at the station tomorrow, okay? Stay safe, Byul. Call me if there's anything."

"I will. Keep me posted?"

"You bet."

Byul ended the call and dropped the phone to the mattress, stifling another curse.

"What happened?" asked WheeIn, rubbing Byul's back soothingly.

"It's Ji Soo. He's back and he's taunting us," said Byul. She turned her head to see fear in WheeIn's eyes so she quickly pulled her into a hug and kissed her head. "Don't worry. Nothing's going to happen. I'm not letting you out of my sight."

WheeIn buried her face on Byul's shoulder. "When will this end, Star?"

"Soon. We'll get him and put an end to everything soon."

"How?" WheeIn lifted her head and looked at Byul.

"I don't know but we'll figure it out." She gave WheeIn a gentle peck and held her tighter. "We always figure it out."

WheeIn closed her eyes and could only wish that it would come true.


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