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"Finally!" exclaimed Hwasa when she saw the two walking out of the elevator. "What took you so long?" She then saw the little girl between them. "Hey, Ha-eun!" She ran towards the girl, squatted down and kissed her cheek. She grimaced a little at the familiar frying oil smell although it had been considerably reduced since Byul and WheeIn helped the grandmother by installing a kitchen exhaust at her home.

"Ha-eun?" Seulgi turned her head.

Tae Hyung stood up when he heard the name. "My buddy!"

The little girl ran towards the young man, giggling with her arms open.

Tae Hyung scooped the girl up in his arms. "How have you been, buddy?" He lifted one hand and the girl high-fived it.

"Pretty good, buddy."

Everyone laughed when they heard the reply.

"You're teaching her to be disrespectful towards older people," Byul commented.

"Nah. She knows it's just our thing, right?" Tae Hyung grinned.

Ha-eun nodded.

"Well, I better tell Captain Kim that you're here." Jimin stood up from his seat and went to knock on Solar's office door.

"Why is she with you?" Hwasa asked WheeIn.

"Mrs Han isn't feeling well so we're babysitting for the night."

"Babysitting again?" Seulgi spoke. "That's like... what now... every day this week?"

"Yeah. Well, we can't help it," answered WheeIn. She looked at the girl now talking excitedly with Tae Hyung and smiled. "Besides, we don't mind."

"What's going on anyway?" Byul asked her friends.

"Not sure. Captain called and told me to come here as fast as possible," said Sandeul. He then sighed audibly. "The date was going well too."

"You had a date?!" Byul asked a bit louder than she should.

"Sshh! Byul!" Sandeul looked around cautiously.

"What? Afraid that the rookie fan will hear me?" teased Byul.

"She's not a fan, okay?" Sandeul protested.

"She's been popping up every chance she could, bringing you food and stuff. Ugh." Hwasa shuddered.

"You should talk. I heard that Xiumin's in town this weekend," Seulgi remarked with a cheeky grin.

"Shut up!" Hwasa hissed, slightly blushing.

"What? Xiumin's here and he didn't tell me?!" exclaimed Byul in shock. She then narrowed her eyes, scrutinizing her friend. "Are you two getting serious?"

"He lives three hours away, okay? We're just good friends," argued Hwasa.

Seulgi scoffed. "Right," she muttered under her breath.


They heard Jimin's voice and turned their heads to see the young man gesturing at the conference room. "Let's go.

The Captain will be right with us."

"What about Ha-eun?" Tae Hyung asked Byul.

"Err... Ah!" Byul snapped her fingers then went to her desk to make a call. "Hey, Bo Mi. I'm so glad it's not your day off."

Now With U (Living In The Past - Book 2) (WheeByul)Where stories live. Discover now