273 18 6

Warning: PG13


"Hey," greeted Byul when WheeIn opened the car door.

"Hey." WheeIn took her seat.

"How did it go?"

"Not bad." WheeIn buckled her seatbelt. "Just a few more lessons to go and I'm confident that I'll pass the test and get my driver's license."

Byul smiled. She started to drive.

"What time do we need to pick up Ha-eun today?" WheeIn asked.

"Mrs Han said that we could just pick her up at the house. Around 7 or 8 PM later."

"Oh okay." WheeIn checked her watch. "Can we wait at Irene's so I can get some work done in the mean time?"


WheeIn turned her head. "Huh?"

"It's Christmas Eve, Whee. Take a break, will ya? Even I took half a day off."

WheeIn grinned. "Okay okay." She leaned back, looking out the window.

Byul drove them home.

"So we're just gonna wait at home?" WheeIn asked, unbuckling her seatbelt.

Byul didn't answer. She hurried out of the car then stood outside WheeIn's door, waiting.

WheeIn pushed the door open. Her eyebrows were raised. "What's going on?" She asked when she saw Byul there.

Byul grabbed WheeIn by the waist, making the latter gasp in surprise. She kissed her.

WheeIn tried pushing Byul back after a minute. "What has gotten into you?" She asked breathlessly.

"I miss you." Byul kissed WheeIn again.

WheeIn smiled. She knew what Byul meant. Since they decided to help take care of Ha-eun a month ago, the little girl would always be with them almost every night of the week. It was hard to find time just for the two of them between work and babysitting.

Byul locked the car doors with her remote then started pulling WheeIn back with her. She refused to let go of WheeIn's lips though.



WheeIn pushed Byul back. "Not here."

"There's no one here." Byul kept kissing WheeIn.

"You'll hit your head or something."

"Don't care."

WheeIn chuckled. "Come on." She pushed Byul again, harder.

Byul sighed, finally breaking the kiss. She took WheeIn's hand and pulled her towards the door - almost running.

WheeIn giggled when Byul started to kiss her again while they were waiting for the elevator.

"Stop giggling."

"Then stop acting this way."

"I can't."

The elevator dinged.

Byul moved her head back. She was glad to see that the elevator was empty. She quickly pulled WheeIn inside and pressed the floor button. She then closed the doors. She didn't waste any time. The doors hadn't even fully closed when she had WheeIn pressed against the wall. Her lips latched on to WheeIn's jaw while she tugged at WheeIn's scarf to reveal her neck. She then moved her lips down while licking and sucking gently along the way.

Now With U (Living In The Past - Book 2) (WheeByul)Where stories live. Discover now