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Byul opened her eyes when she felt something cold on her chest. She wanted to smile when she saw the person sitting beside her bed but the painkillers had worn off and she found herself coughing in pain while trying to inhale normally.

WheeIn quickly moved closer, placing one hand on Byul's cheek to calm her down. The icepack remained on Byul's chest.

"It hurts, huh?" she asked.

"Just a little."

"It'll be time to take your painkillers again soon so hang in there. Breathe as deeply as you can no matter how much it hurts, okay?"

Byul nodded then held WheeIn's hand. "I'm okay. They're just cracked," she said, referring to her rib injury.

"I'm sorry," mumbled WheeIn as she placed a gentle kiss on Byul's forehead.

"Stop apologizing. It's not your fault. I'm just glad that you're safe."

"Go to sleep. Yong said she'll come explain everything later."

"Xiumin too."

"Yeah. He'll be here too." WheeIn withdrew her hand then sat back down, watching over Byul. They were rushed to the hospital as soon as the ambulance arrived on the scene so no one had the chance to explain anything to them.

"You'll be more comfortable sleeping at home, you know. Or stay at Yong's with Ha-eun. Sleep on a proper bed," she coaxed for the umpteenth time since they arrived at the hospital.

WheeIn shook her head firmly. "I'm staying here."

"I'm okay, WheeIn-ah. You can come back and see me in a few hours."

"No, Star. I'm staying here."

The door suddenly opened without a sound, cutting their conversation short.

Byul tried lifting her head to see whom it was and smiled when she saw WheeIn's father walk in with a takeaway coffee cup and a paper bag.

He noticed Byul smiling and bowed to her while placing the cup and the bag on the small table near Byul's bed for her daughter.

"Mr. Jung..."

Byul's voice stopped the man from leaving.

"I don't blame you."

The man turned around, bowed again then quietly left the room.

"Talk to him," said Byul. "He had to do what he did, WheeIn-ah, and he selflessly tried to switch places with me. Let him explain."

"I'll do that later."

"Do it now. I'm not going anywhere. I can barely breathe," said Byul. "Go. Talk to him."
WheeIn hesitated.

"You're not still mad at him, are you? I know he missed that shot on purpose. One must be blind to aim that badly. And he tried to save me by sacrificing himself. That should count for something, right?"

"Can't I just talk to him after Solar's explanation?"

"I think there's a reason why Yong let him stay here instead of at the station. Make use of that."

WheeIn took a deep breath then stood up slowly. "Be right back."

She went out of the room to see the man sitting on a bench not far from Byul's room.

Now With U (Living In The Past - Book 2) (WheeByul)Where stories live. Discover now