AFTER 7 YEARS (Part 2)

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Hwasa put her pen down and leaned back in her chair, heaving a sigh. She then stretched noisily before pushing her chair closer to the person sitting next to her. "I saw what you guys did this morning," she said in a low voice, with a mischievous grin on her face.

"What?" replied WheeIn without so much as lifting her head from the paper she was reading.

"You and Byul smooching in the con room. How do you guys do it?"

"Do what? Smooching?" WheeIn finally looked at her friend. "I'm sure you've done that plenty of times."

"I wasn't talking about the kissing. I just don't get how you two can stay lovey-dovey like that even after... what now... 4 years of marriage and so many years of dating."

"You know that we've had our share of fights. Lots of them. Including huge unreasonable ones too."

"Well, yeah, but still, you guys are still going pretty strong even after all these years."

WheeIn shrugged. "I guess we just try to make it work for as much as we know how. We both promised to do so and I, for one, intend to keep that promise. Star's the best thing that has ever happened to me, you know," said WheeIn with a growing smile on her face, "And I do not wish to ever lose her or Ha-eun. Besides, you don't know the story behind that kiss. It was the longest kiss we've shared in the past month."


"Yeah. Things have been hectic. Haven't had a chance to spend some time alone with her in weeks."

"I see," mumbled Hwasa who then grew quiet for a few seconds before she resumed her own share of reading.

"You're thinking about Xuimin oppa?" asked WheeIn. She knew her friend well and despite Hwasa's seemingly nonchalant behavior regarding her relationship, WheeIn knew that deep down, Hwasa didn't want it to end.


"Don't lie to me, Hyejin-ah. I know you."

Hwasa ignored WheeIn and continued reading the piece of paper in her hand until she finished the long passage. "This is bad," she said, closing the folder.


"Well, like Doctor Shin said, cause of death is indeed gunshot wound to the head, close range. Two shots were fired, by the looks of it. One has an exit wound and one doesn't." Hwasa flinched. "Brutal. There are minor bruises and cuts on him, and defensive wounds on his arms and hands. It looks as if he fought with someone prior to his death but not right before he was shot because the wounds had already begun to heal," answered Hwasa. "I think we can rule out suicide even though they found gunshot residue on his hand. There's no way he could've shot himself in the head twice."

"He could have had a gun of his own and shot his attacker before his attacker overpowered him and shot him," suggested WheeIn, trying to explain the GSR trace on Won-jae's hand.

"Plausible but where's the gun?"

"The attacker took it with him and dumped it somewhere, probably. They struggled for the weapon, Won-jae tried to shoot the other person with it but failed in the end." WheeIn then took a deep breath. "Darn. I hate cases that are personal. Even imagining the scenario makes me feel queasy. Why two shots? Wasn't one enough?"

"My thoughts exactly. Did Doctor Lee add something to his preliminary psychological analysis?"

WheeIn shook her head. "He detailed what kind of man Won-jae was based on what Xuimin oppa and Sandeul told him plus his background as an undercover cop. It's nothing new for us, unfortunately. We'll have to wait until Tae Hyung returns from Jeonju before we're able to get more insight on Won-jae's life. As for the attacker's profile, he probably attacked in rage. Two gunshots to the head," repeated WheeIn. "That's... sadistic."

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