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"How is he doing?" WheeIn and Solar stood up to greet the doctor.

"Just a broken leg and some bruises and cuts. Nothing severe, thankfully." The man then looked at Solar. "It seems that your men have been coming here a bit too often for my liking lately." He smiled kindly to let Solar know that it was just a joke.

"They like you too much, Doctor." Solar understood the joke.

He chuckled. "Well, tell them to just meet me outside of the hospital and to stop getting injured."

"I will, Doctor. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Go on in. Sign his cast. He'll be using a crutch for the rest of the month but he's fine otherwise. I'll release him tomorrow."

They bowed to the man and went inside the room to see Jimin frowning at a crutch leaning against his bed.

"How are you feeling?" asked Solar.

"I hate crutches," said the assistant inspector. "But other than that, I'm okay." He gave them a wide smile.

"I'm sorry, Jimin-ah," WheeIn meekly said as she stepped up to him, hanging her head with guilt.

"Why, Whee? There's nothing to be sorry about. This isn't your fault. I'm just glad you're okay," he said. "You haven't told Byul, have you?"

WheeIn shook her head. "I don't want to worry her while she's working."

"She deserves to know. Especially now that I can't protect you anymore," Jimin said regretfully. "And neither can Sandeul or Tae Hyung."

They grew quiet, unsure of what to think about everything that had happened.

"So they're taking us down one by one?" Jimin spoke again, looking at Solar. "Those pictures that team found in Ji-sub's warehouse. It was a threat, a warning of what's to come, wasn't it? Ji Soo wanted us to find it."

"We're not sure about that yet," answered Solar diplomatically.

"Oh come on, Captain. Pardon me but can I speak with my Solar now instead of Captain Kim?"

Solar took a deep breath and smiled weakly. "I'm sorry, Jimin-ah. I'm sorry for not being able to protect you or Sandeul or Tae Hyung. I shouldn't have taken this lightly."

"It's not your fault, Yong. And who said anything about you taking this lightly? Those officers who followed us did their job well." Jimin suddenly remembered the two men's condition. "How are they doing, by the way?"

"Your tail only suffers a sprained ankle but WheeIn's tail would have to be replaced."

"Is he okay?" asked WheeIn.

"Err... let's just say that he would need quite some time to recover."

WheeIn shook her head, looking down at Jimin's cast. My fault. This is all my fault. Whoever comes near me will only end up getting hurt. She once again regretted ever being involved with Ji Soo and his business, hating how the consequences of that one mistake endlessly haunt her and the people close to her.

"Don't blame yourself, Whee. Ji Soo hates our guts regardless of what you did to him." Jimin tried comforting WheeIn, knowing what she must have been thinking. "I'll be at work tomorrow as usual, just limping and hopping instead of walking. It's really no big deal."


The door burst opened and in walked Sandeul and Tae Hyung.

"What are you doing here?" Solar stared at Sandeul in surprise.

Now With U (Living In The Past - Book 2) (WheeByul)Where stories live. Discover now