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"Finish your breakfast, Ha-eun-ah," said WheeIn right before her phone rang. She saw the number and answered the call. "Hey."

"Hey. Are you still at Yong's?"

"Yeah. We're having breakfast. Have you slept?"

"A little. I just got another call from that paramedic."

WheeIn tensed. "Hold on." She excused herself politely and left the table, going to the living room to take the call. "Please tell me that Mrs. Han's alright?"

"She fainted again last night, in front of her house."

"Oh no. Did they take her to the hospital?"

"No. She put up a fight so they let her rest at home." Byul sighed. "What do we do, Whee? The medic said that at this rate, she won't last much longer."

"I... I don't know." WheeIn sat down on the couch, at a loss for words. "I'll go talk to her later today, after I drop Ha-eun off at school."

"Take Jimin or Tae Hyung with you."

"I'll be fine on my own."

"Just do it, Whee. Or I'll call them myself."

"Okay. I'll ask one of them to come along." She decided not to argue. "How are you holding up?"

"I feel like throwing myself into a barrel of coffee but it's nothing new. Please be careful today?"

"I will. No need to be so paranoid, Star."

"Better safe than sorry."

WheeIn was about to reply when she saw the little girl running towards her.

"Is that Star?" asked Ha-eun as she looked up at WheeIn expectantly.

"Yeah. Hey, someone wants to talk to you," she told Byul. "Here you go." She handed the phone to the excited little girl.

"Hello? Star?"

"Well, hello there. Who is this?"

"It's me, Ha-eun."

"I don't know anyone named Ha-eun."

She gasp "Star!"

Byul had to laugh. "Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes. Are you coming home today?"

"I don't know but I hope so. What did you have for breakfast?"

"Auntie Yong made wa-waph-... waf-..."

"Waffles," said WheeIn in English to help the stuttering girl.

"Waffles!" repeated Ha-eun in the exact pronunciation. She grinned proudly when WheeIn patted her head.

"I see. Was it good?"


"Better than my fried rice?"


Byul laughed again. "Yah! How could you say that?"

Ha-eun only giggled in reply, happy to be able to tease Byul.

She almost sighed when she heard the cute sound, feeling the returning regretful jab for not being there to see it in person. "You better go get ready for school now or you'll be late."

"Okay. Bye, Star."

"Bye. Be a good girl today, okay? Give the phone to Whee, please."

Now With U (Living In The Past - Book 2) (WheeByul)Where stories live. Discover now