AFTER 7 YEARS (Part 11)

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The DNA from the blood on the shirt they found in the suspect's apartment matched Won-jae's. Bo Mi also managed to discover that the cardboard found covering the second body was a folded old refrigerator box used to transport the body based on the blood smears and drops she found on the inside of it. She also mentioned that although similar, the hand truck tire marks were different from those found near Won-jae's body.

The drag marks also looked different. She said that it looked as if the killer was struggling more this time as indicated by the disturbances in the track. The bottom side of the cardboard box showed signs of dragging too so they came to the conclusion that the killer had put the body in the box, carried it to the scene using the hand truck, dragged the box from the cart for a bit before taking the body out and dragging it again to dump it.

"Why do I get the impression that these two murders are committed by two different people?" Solar had said, frowning at the evidence.

"I feel you," Hwasa agreed. "It's like the second one was made to look like the first one but that's impossible, right?"

"Nothing's impossible. You should know that by now," said Byul.

"But no one knows the details to Won-jae's murder. The Commissioner managed to keep it under wraps, remember? We haven't even solved it," argued the petite inspector.

"Yes but we have that accomplice theory. Maybe he decided to take matters into his own hand. He looked smaller in the video so he would probably struggle to duplicate what his partner did to Won-jae."

"Maybe." Solar then yawned. "I think we need some sleep. All of us. Where's Xiumin oppa?"

"I think he's still asleep. Probably more tired than he thought," said Byul.

"I'll check." Hwasa then left the room before anyone could say anything.

Solar and Byul exchanged quick glances before the captain straightened up. "Let's hope they work things out soon. Let's go home."


Hwasa opened the break room door without making a sound and saw Xiumin sitting on the couch, holding a cup of coffee in his hand.

He looked up and their eyes met.

Neither moved or said anything for the next few seconds and Hwasa decided to break eye contact, turning to leave.

There was a sigh and it stopped her in her tracks.

"I was just checking up on you," she said without turning her head. "Everyone thought that you were still asleep."

"Well, I'm not."

"Go home then, Oppa. Rest at your place. Not here."

"Why should I?"

"Huh?" Hwasa finally turned to look, once again meeting Xiumin's tired eyes.

"Why should I go home and rest?"

"Because you're tired."

Xiumin kept his eyes on Hwasa, waiting for more.

"A tired you won't help us solve this case," said the petite young woman.

"So it's about the case?"

"Yes. What else is there?"

Another sigh came from the man as he took a sip from his coffee.

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