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DIO: what's this?

DIO: what's this?

DIO: there's penis in the air

vinegar: AYO??? 😳

SMACK: that's a bit of an intense reaction i feel like

The Shittest Life Form: DIO: there's penis in the air

you have air???????

DIO: oh hell yeah i do

DIO: too much air, if anything

DIO: i wanna give some away

The Shittest Life Form: >:(

vinegar: you should just throw some air up to kars

DIO: truuue why haven't i tried that

The Shittest Life Form: because there's no way it would work?

the grand wham-u: but like- how you know it won't

The Shittest Life Form: because air and space dont go together

The Shittest Life Form: im the space expert here

DIO: spaceologist

David Bowie: You mean an astronomer?

DIO: no i mean spaceologist

David Bowie: Right. Of course you do.

AC/DC: okay kars me and wamuu have created an air catapult

vinegar: so just a... a regular catapult..

the grand wham-u: no, idididiiot, an air catapult

David Bowie: That makes no sense.

frog rain: a regular catapult can still shoot air yknow

the grand wham-u: sure, but can a regular catapult shoot a piece of paper that says air on it?

SMACK: ...

my dad's gay: yes.

The Shittest Life Form: so, let me get this straight

big balls johnson: ew

The Shittest Life Form: your ultimate plan to save me... is to use a catapult to shoot a piece of paper that says air up into space

AC/DC: yesss

DIO: pretty omega plan if you ask me

The Shittest Life Form: oh woooooow praise the lord im saved

DIO: praising me now? kinda kinky

The Shittest Life Form: what? no

Humorous February 14th: haha hehe

David Bowie: What?

Humorous February 14th: i noticed we're talking about space again

David Bowie: Yeah. Are you going to claim that Russia doesn't exist again?

Humorous February 14th: I never said that

David Bowie: Yes you did.

Humorous February 14th: I don't think I did

David Bowie: You literally did.

Humorous February 14th: uhhh no?

Humorous February 14th: i don't remember do yall remember

DIO: nope literally no idea

salt: ?????

PRAY4FORGIVENESS: praying to god can't talk

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