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lord jodio: @everyone get ur dumbasses in here

lord jodio: we have a very exciting day ahead of us in a couple days!!!!!!

Prince: nobody wants to hear it

lord jodio: oh? are you disrespecting the great leader?

Prince: oh sorry your idioticness

lord jodio: we have a funny man here

lord jodio: listen up so you can understand

lord jodio: or maybe you cant anyway cos yall are just that dumb which honestly wouldnt surprise me

lord jodio: this is my server now and everything that comes to you lot is deserved

lord jodio: this is karma

Prince: good for you

lord jodio: it is very good for me im enjoying myself a lot especially when u all start crying

lord jodio: its funny

lord jodio: anyway cunts its the annual jodio day in a couple days where we all celebrate how great i am and how SHIT u guys r

jolyneXD: LMAO IMAGINE TAKING PART IN SUCH A DOGSHIT DAY like fr ur incredibly dumb if you think any of us actually give any semblance of a fuck

lord jodio: awww how cute the yappy little bitch trying to stand up to me as if almost all of this isnt completely her fault

lord jodio: like lets be real mi hombre

Prince: mi hombre?

lord jodio: if you hadntve just listened to me when i told you not to apologise to giorno it wouldve been fine

lord jodio: like fr not like i was actually that trustworthy at any point you know what i mean

lord jodio: you listened to me and you told giorno to go get hit by his stepdad and expected that to be fine

jolyneXD: shut up

lord jodio: you thought that was a good idea and then tried to backpedal when he got upset and then he left and gave all the power to ME

lord jodio: wouldnt have happened without you now would it

Prince: bro grew up in new yap city

lord jodio: yap on my fucking dick

jolyneXD: no, NO, that isn't fair at all

jolyneXD: i was manipulated - i was literally GOING TO apologise until YOU started telling me not to

Prince: lord jodio: yap on my fucking dick

ayo but what you mean by that my boy

lord jodio: jolyneXD: i was manipulated - i was literally GOING TO apologise until YOU started telling me not to

respectfully shut the fuck up

jolyneXD: omg omg omg you are the worst person ever

lord jodio: did you forget about my officers jolyne?

lord jodio: @jodio's epic police force

goerge micheal: REPORTING FOR DUTY


lord jodio: jolyne here is being a little bit.. disrespectful i think she ought to be detained for a little while 

Prince: LMAO bro is RPing with himself rather diabolical if you ask me

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