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(in DMs)

jolyneXD: hey

jolyneXD: look i know you're probably still upset which is fair

goldielocks: what

jolyneXD: ik a lot of shit went down between us

jolyneXD: but i really need to talk to you

goldielocks: about what

goldielocks: are you gonna start insulting me again

jolyneXD: no

jolyneXD: never again

goldielocks: what do you want

jolyneXD: i guess i should start by saying

jolyneXD: i'm sorry

jolyneXD: i was really shitty to you after we fell out and even before that point i was being childish and getting mad over basically nothing

jolyneXD: it took me a long time to realise that, but i see now

jolyneXD: i was taking you for granted

jolyneXD: it wasn't fair for me to get mad when it's perfectly fine for you to have other friends

goldielocks: ok

jolyneXD: but i was thinking and i realised that- we've been friends for so long, it just doesn't make sense that we could fall apart like that

goldielocks: i mean yeah i agree

jolyneXD: but i loved you, man - i still do

jolyneXD: you were my best friend in the world

goldielocks: you were mine too

jolyneXD: i messed up, real badly

jolyneXD: and i can't take back all the stuff i said to you, even if i want to

jolyneXD: i said it and it happened - i was a dogshit friend lol

jolyneXD: but i don't want childish arguments to come between us anymore, because i realised that no one needs to be at fault

jolyneXD: it was a miscommunication

goldielocks: yes it was

jolyneXD: and i've missed you so much over these last few months

goldielocks: same

jolyneXD: so i just want to make it clear that i'm sorry

jolyneXD: even if you don't want to be friends anymore, that will never change how much i care about you - and i need to show that more often

goldielocks: well hold on

jolyneXD: yeah?

goldielocks: i don't want you to put the blame all on yourself because i've been thinking as well

goldielocks: and if you're gonna call yourself childish then i am childish too

goldielocks: i did not treat your feelings with the proper respect they deserved and instead of trying to actually reach out i got mad and closed myself off

jolyneXD: i feel you

goldielocks: if anyone's at fault it's me

goldielocks: i was not a good friend to you and yeah in hindsight i probably should have made more time to hang out with you considering how close we were

goldielocks: and i'm sorry

goldielocks: i'm really really sorry

jolyneXD: :)

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