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lord jodio: rise and shine everybody

lord jodio: we got a busy day ahead of us dumbasses

jolyneXD: stfu

lord jodio: huh? you seriously tryna talk back to me rn? what are you even gonna do? go crying to giorno again?

lord jodio: nope because he HATES you now

lord jodio: and its your fault LMAO

jolyneXD: i'm gonna kill you

lord jodio: omg wtf

lord jodio: making threats against the great leader is a serious crime cocklyne cubitch

jolyneXD: don't fucking call me that you actual waste of oxygen i'll punch your teeth out

lord jodio: gasp gasp gasp!

lord jodio: i need to get my officers in here to make sure you lot dont step out of line

lord jodio added goerge micheal, carlos and AC/DC

lord jodio: oh i will also give kars some powers

Joe Mama: what the fuck is this


AC/DC: we have been added to this server to jodio in order to make sure you don't step out of line

The Ultimate Lifeform: Oh let's go I can bully Joseph now

Joe Mama: why tf would yall work with HIM?

goerge micheal: he promised to give us a rare gemstone if we acted as his officers on this server

goerge micheal: red stone of aja W

biNOry: you dumbasses he isn't gonna give you the red stone of aja it's just a diamond


lord jodio: yknow what FUCK it i want an investigation done into both jolyne and dragona to determine their crimes and then i will punish them as i see fit

AC/DC: yes sir

Joe Mama: so what are we meant to talk about here?

Joe Mama: like what can we say that won't cause you to throw a bitch fit

lord jodio: so many things!!!!

lord jodio: i am a very benevolent ruler and u can talk about whatever you want 😊

Star Finger: somehow, i don't believe that

lord jodio: ok ok fine let me make a list of everything you cant talk about

jolyneXD: no one wants to see it tbh

jolyneXD: seriously please just leave

biNOry: i was right wasn't i? at the beginning i said that i thought he was scheming


mustle: yeah my bad

Star Finger: this is the stupidest shit i've ever seen tbh

jolyneXD: jodio i've never hated anyone as much as i hate you

goerge micheal: watch your mouth about the great leader

jolyneXD: idgaf fuck you

lord jodio: ok here we go the list of banned topics

lord jodio: 1. no disrespecting the great leader
2. no plotting to overthrow the great leader
3. no fun other than what the great leader has permitted
4. no talking about the forbidden one
5. no jokes or conversations while the great leader is talking or while working

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