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drugz4lyfe: guys

al~oha: what is up xx

drugz4lyfe: im me

drugz4lyfe: very cool

al~oha: updog

drugz4lyfe: what

drugz4lyfe: are you actually literally trying to updog me

al~oha: yes :D

drugz4lyfe: you idiot

al~oha: oh

drugz4lyfe: you fucking turbo moron

al~oha: oh :(

drugz4lyfe: no one ever falls for that anymore

drugz4lyfe: please try to make jokes that dont rot my fucking brain oh wait you cant

al~oha: oh D:

drugz4lyfe: dont D: me it would be fine if you didnt make autistic first grader level jokes

drugz4lyfe: dumbass

al~oha: you're right i'm sorry x

al~oha: i regret it i am appalled at my own behavior

biNOry: aggressive reaction for a joke?

drugz4lyfe: nah

drugz4lyfe: deserved

drugz4lyfe: entirely

biNOry: agree to disagree 🤷

drugz4lyfe: tf is going on why have you been so on my ass lately bro

drugz4lyfe: tf is your problem

biNOry: it's nothing bro

biNOry: I just

biNOry: kinda feel like

biNOry: maybe

biNOry: you're

biNOry: alittlebitinthewrong?

al~oha: lmao wtf no he isnt

al~oha: those jojo guys fucking suck

drugz4lyfe: usagi is right for once

drugz4lyfe: which is rare

biNOry: why are you being so mean to your bf lol

al~oha: no it's my bad i am not good enough

biNOry: wtf are you talking about

drugz4lyfe: dragona bro

drugz4lyfe: you didnt use that chat much right

biNOry: no?

drugz4lyfe: you didnt see what they were saying about us

biNOry: i mean- no

biNOry: what were they saying

drugz4lyfe: exactly

drugz4lyfe: they were insulting us

drugz4lyfe: and mom

drugz4lyfe: constantly 

biNOry: why would they be doing that?

drugz4lyfe: just because theyre judgmental cunts

drugz4lyfe: constantly insulting us over everything

drugz4lyfe: ESPECIALLY giorno

biNOry: wasnt he offline for like a whole week?

drugz4lyfe: nah he came online a few times

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