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lord jodio: ooh it is only a few hours until the jodio festival

lord jodio: as soon as it hits midnight then its jodio time and we can party all day baby

lord jodio: well i can

lord jodio: you goofy nerds arent gonna do shit youre just gonna watch as i take over the whole server for good

lord jodio: and then all of you will finally know how it feels to be laughed at AHAHAHHAAHAHA just like how you laughed at me when you banned me before

lord jodio: it was humiliating

lord jodio: but now i will get my revenge!!!!

lord jodio: ...

lord jodio: is there anyone even left on the server?

al~oha: i'm here

al~oha: some people like kakyoin still are too

Cherry Boy: Yes but I do not look on here ofteb so I have no idea how we got to this point

al~oha: and then jolyne and jonathan are also here

Jona: Yes! And mark my words, we will stop you

Cherry Boy: wait, DIO's still here? he hasn't spoken in ages

DIO: This is an automated message. Lord DIO is on holiday in Ibiza with the lads (the other villains) so go away you fuck ugly bitch.

Cherry Boy: uhhhhhh ruuude

Cherry Boy: that's an automated message?

Jona: I think it's only us here

Jona: If all the villains are on holiday too

Cherry Boy: yeah pretty much

al~oha: i think we genuinely are the only people left on the server in that case

lord jodio: oh doesnt that scare you

lord jodio: you guys are the ones ive saved for last so i have extra special things planned for you

lord jodio: well except the red hair guy hes just kind of lucky he hasnt been banned yet

Cherry Boy: yeah I was gonna say, what did I do?

lord jodio: you wanna be banned? huh?

Cherry Boy: um no thanks

lord jodio: yeah thats what i thought

lord jodio: how about you shut your weirdly long mouth up

Cherry Boy: hey i'm sensitive about that

lord jodio: fuck you

lord jodio: if i ban you my officers are gonna start getting all bitchy and whiny again so id rather not do that

lord jodio: i mean i could get rid of them easily but then i have to find new ones and i have no one else who would believe an obvious lie

lord jodio: OH WAIT


Jona: We wanted to give you a chance! And you spit in our face!

al~oha: imma be honest i didn't want to give him a chance like i said at the time

al~oha: also i never believed your lie

lord jodio: you were on the way though you fucking CRETIN LOLOLOLOL

Cherry Boy: man, what is this guy's problem? like why are you so petty and hateful?

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