~Giorno vs Jodio~

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(in dms)

goldielocks: wtf

goldielocks: what is your problem

drugz4lyfe: bro

drugz4lyfe: dont talk to me because i literally dont care

goldielocks: stop being such a dick

goldielocks: we cared about that fucking chat you dick

drugz4lyfe: lmao its literally just a discord server chill tf out

drugz4lyfe: yall are so toxic its insane

goldielocks: sorry WE'RE the toxic ones?

goldielocks: i'm not sure i read that correctly

goldielocks: because it seems like you're calling US the toxic ones

drugz4lyfe: get glasses then moron i said it as clear as day 💀

goldielocks: why have you done this

drugz4lyfe: lmao tbh its just funny pissing you all off after you embarrassed me

goldielocks: you were the one who initiated it by relentlessly attacking everything about me

drugz4lyfe: ummm nah

drugz4lyfe: im pretty fucking 100% confident you started it by freaking out like a little bitch when you found out i sold drugs

drugz4lyfe: which is none of your fucking business

goldielocks: but if your problem lies with me, why make everyone else suffer?

drugz4lyfe: lmao you gotta be the stupidest motherfucker ever

drugz4lyfe: bcus they were all obviously gonna side with you 

drugz4lyfe: dickwad

goldielocks: why did you take it so personally

drugz4lyfe: why did you take my life so personally

drugz4lyfe: hypocritical cunt

goldielocks: that's not the point

goldielocks: i admit i overreacted initially it wasn't fair on you

goldielocks: but everything after this has been your fault and you're acting like it's mine

drugz4lyfe: serious question

drugz4lyfe: do you actually think i care about you or your feelings

drugz4lyfe: the answer is i dont

goldielocks: i know you don't

goldielocks: but you should

goldielocks: you should attempt to emphasise with others

drugz4lyfe: spoken like a true narcissist well done prick

goldielocks: why do you try and turn literally everything i say into some kind of hate crime and act like i'm a narcissist when you won't get off of your fucking high horse

drugz4lyfe: lmao i was joking but go off lil bro 💀

goldielocks: give the server back

goldielocks: now

drugz4lyfe: not how it works moron

drugz4lyfe: i deleted it

drugz4lyfe: its gone :)

goldielocks: but seriously

goldielocks: what was the point?? do you feel proud??

drugz4lyfe: tbh? yeah

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