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"y/n, have you planned out the menu yet for next weeks dinner party?" my mom asked at the breakfast table. "i have, i think you'll love what i have planned" i said cutting into my french toast. "great! you took the allergies into consideration, right?" she asked. "i have. people who have nut allergies are missing out" you muttered.

"have you decided the wine pairings?" my dad asked, "not yet, though i would if i was of age to drink" i said. "next year, y/n. next year." your dad chuckled quietly, "i learned this new dish at school. i plan to serve it at the dinner. i hope you guys like it" you said handing your plate to the maid.

"i should get started on cooking, you'll be back for lunch i assume?" i asked getting out of my chair. "yes we will. very excited to try your new dish, call me if you're missing any ingredients" my dad said kissing my forehead.

"yeah, yeah. have a nice outing, i'll see you soon" you said walking to the kitchen, "you're off for today until dinner" i said to our private chef who nodded and left.

"kosuke, start on the appetizers. i'll work on the main course. hitori, dessert" i ordered and started prepping my ingredients. "oh yeah someone work on the soups too" i said cutting some onions.

"kaori" i yelled from the kitchen, "y/n, you called?" she asked walking through the kitchen door. "yeah, call the wine guy for me and tell him to be here at noon, sharp. i want this wine stuff done this by wednesday!" i said now chopping garlic.

"how's the soup coming?" i asked kaori. she handed me a tiny dish with some of the mushroom soup in it. "put in a pinch of salt and it's done" i said giving the small dish back to her. "actually" i said, "some sugar too"

suddenly the doorbell rang, "kaori!" i said letting her know to get the door. "keep stirring this for me" i said to kosuke before leaving the kitchen.

"who is that the door?" i asked walking to the foyer, "uh who is this?" i asked looking at the messy haired boy.

'holy fuck he's tall'

"oh i'm kuroo tetsuro, this is kozume kenma. nice to meet you" he said shaking your hand. "kozume, put your psp away! it's rude" kuroo muttered putting a hand on kenmas hand.

"likewise, my name is y/n. are you friends of my parents?" i asked leading them to the living room. "my parents are" kenma said quietly, "your parents are..." i trailed off.

"oh uh, kenmas" kuroo said, "oh yes! i have the food for your mom in the kitchen, care to follow?" you asked, and the two boys stood up from the couch.

"uh yeah sure" kuroo said standing up, along with kenma. "theres the directions to heating these dishes up" you said handing kuroo the envelope. "tell her this is extra, it's lobster pot pie. it's a day old but the directions to heat it up will make it taste, and smell like it was made the day of" i rambled.

"you have the stuffing all under control?" i asked kosuke, who nodded his head yes.

"got it. i'll walk you guys through the door, tell mrs kenma that i hope she feels better" i said before closing the door.

after i closed the door i phoned my mom.

"everything okay, honey?"

"yeah, mrs kenmas son dropped by."

"oh shit! sorry i meant to tell you that he was going to come by and get the food."

"it's okay. just make sure to tell me next time. is she still coming to dinner?"

"yes. i forgot to ask you, did you plan the vegetarian courses?"

"i have the chefs working on those in the other kitchen. we're still trying to make some final touches"

"are you sure half of these chefs went to culinary school?"

"yes i'm sure"

"i've already had three get hurt with a knife! why use a knife if you cant even use it without hurting yourself!"

"very funny, y/n. i'll see you in a couple hours."

"kay bye, i love you"

"i love you too"

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 // 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐌𝐀 𝐊Where stories live. Discover now