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"y/n are you free next week?" kenma's mom asked, "i don't have my schedule on me right now, but you can call the house phone tomorrow and i can get back to you on that" i said. "oh great!" she said, "is everything okay?" i asked looking at everyone's plates.

"oh uh yeah" kenma mutters. "kenma!" his dad hisses, "it's okay don't worry about it. what's the issue?" i asked. "um this isn't good" he said pushing his plate away, "kozume kenma, stop that right now!" his mom exclaimed giving him a harsh glare.

"is something wrong with it?" i asked, "lobster, i don't like lobster" he said.


"i'm sorry, would you like the alternative option? or i can cook you something else if you'd like"

"fan of steak?" i asked. he nodded.

"i'll get that going for you then."

"y/n, it's fine. just get him the alternative" his dad muttered. "no it's okay, really. the chefs are cooking up steaks and stuff for themselves to eat. it's not an issue" i said.

i'll just give up my steak i guess, doesn't hurt to eat at home

"i'm sorry for the inconvenience" i said before walking away. "y/n your steak is almost ready. just have to let it set" akari said, "once it's done, plate it up with the sides, and send it out to table five." i muttered sitting on a chair.

"okay" she said.

"y/n, i saw kenma out there with a steak, why?" your mom asked coming into the kitchen. "he didn't like my stupid lobster pot pie" i groaned, "is that why he has a steak? y/n you need to eat, you know how you are" your mother said looking through the fridge.

"that son of a bitch" your mom muttered leaving the kitchen.

"mom don't-"

the door closed.

"you're kidding me!" your dad stormed into the kitchen, "he told you he didn't like your food and then he takes your dinner?" my father exclaimed. "that's absolutely bullshit!" he nearly yelled.

"not infront of my employees" i mumbled closing my eyes, resting my head on the table. "get her a juice box. her blood sugar must be low" my mom ordered before leaving the kitchen. "here y/n, drink this" kaori said giving you the opening juice box.

"kenma go apologize to her" his mom said, "apologize for what? not my issue her food sucks" he muttered. "i would like to see you try and do better then" his father scolded.

"fine" he said standing up and walking towards the kitchen.

"y/n?" kenma asked watching you drink the juice box. "it's still low, give her another one" kaori said watching my blood sugar drop every second. "here eat some candy" kosuke said sliding you a bowl of gummy bears.

"go deal with him" kaori whispered looking at kenma by the door. "you can't be here" kosuke said, "i need to apologize" kenma muttered.

"leave." he walked away.

"well? did she forgive?" his mother asked. "she looked like she was going through something, some guy told me to leave" kenma said sitting down in his chair.

kenma parents gave each other a knowing glance.

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 // 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐌𝐀 𝐊Where stories live. Discover now