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kenmas pov:

as the song i was playing on the piano ended, i looked up and saw y/n.

my eyes must be deceiving me right? surely y/n isn't here.

but she was.

she mouthed a quick "hi" to me. and as i was about to say the same back, miko went running after her. naturally i did too.

miko grabbed y/n's wrist making her turn around.

"you know what" miko said taking her glass and a knife. "i would like to make a toast" she said tapping the back of her knife to the glass.


"to y/n. the girl who fell in love with her dead cheating boyfriends best friend. no wonder why kuroo cheated on you"

what is she doing?

"to y/n. who grew a business using daddies money. to the girl who has an alcohol addiction, which is why she went to rehab three years ago."

"miko, stop this right now" i whispered harshly.

what was she doing? what does she get out of this?

"to y/n. the girl who wrote a love letter to a taken guy and then flying off to paris" she said. "to y/n!" she said downing her glass of champagne.

she better not cry once she gets her shit rocked

"not so surprised that he cheated on you now, are you?" she said before slapping her.

she didn't even slap her back.

she decked her in the face.

"yeah? is that why you're a gold digger who lives off of lip injections and your boyfriends money?"
y/n asked before slapping her again and walking away.

"you and i need to talk later" i said giving her the dirtiest look i could.

i could hear the murmurs of everyone as i chased after her.

"y/n!" i said grabbed her hand. "stop it" she said pulling her hand away and getting into the car. "you've done enough" she whispered before the driver drove off.

i stormed back into a now empty house as miko sat there tears streaming down her face.

"what the fuck was that?" i asked angrily. "what did you get out of that? tell me. what did you get out of that" i said firmly. "i was just jealous, ken-" i cut her off.

"i don't give two shits if you were jealous. one, she's been gone for three fucking years. and two, no one is feeling sympathetic for you right now. actually who do you think you are? i heard what you said to her when she first walked in. calling her a degenerate? last time i checked she's been on the cover of most of the magazines you read. how many have you been on? none."

"before you call her some shit like that you should learn what she's done for the world. and who the fuck do you think you are publicly embarrassing her like that. bringing up tetsu? god you don't know anything about her and tetsu. you don't know anything about her addiction. and you don't know anything about her."

"kenma i-"

"you know that my family has been doing business with her family for decades? you know how much having that connection to them means to our family? now you've ruined not only their lives but my families lives" i said still angry.

i'm in love with y/n. and i'm just now realizing it.

"i've lost her once, i cant lose her again. we're done. get out" i said pointing towards the door. "kenma" she said as she cried softly, "i feel no sympathy points towards you right now." i said opening the door. "get. out." i said firmly.

she slowly nodded her head while getting up and left.

my mom and dad walked up to me. "guys i'm so sorry i didn't know she would do that-" my mom cut me off. "go get her before she leaves" she said, "are you sure?" i asked. "like you said, son. you lost her once, you can't lose her again, right?"


i got on the first flight i could to paris.

after way too many hours i finally stepped foot off the plane. "right... now i have to find her" i whispered to myself, before my phone rang.

"eighteen roses. her restaurant." someone said before hanging up.

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 // 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐌𝐀 𝐊Where stories live. Discover now