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"gen it's been like fifteen minutes where is he!" i exclaimed pacing back and forth in the foyer. "i heard the nekoma paper was having an issue" aikko replied. "you think he's there? i mean he is the editor. what am i talking about he has to be there! thanks!" i said hanging up and running to my car.

three minutes later i arrived at the school, i most definitely went way over the speeding limit but it's whatever.

rushing down the hallway, i frantically looked around for the news paper team. i opened the door and kuroo looked up from his desk.

"oh my god our date" he sighed taking off his glasses and rubbing his temple. "i'm sorry, half of our team was sick this week and the paper is due tonight at 11:59 exact. the photography team is threatening to take away our printer time, and i know it's only saturday but it's due sunday morning, because apparently it takes a whole day to print out copies and-"i cut him off.

"it's fine. why didn't you call me to help? you do know my mom basically owns the newspaper world" i chuckled. "go back to whatever you're doing i'll handle this mess" i said and he sighed, "thanks. we'll reschedule dinner, chef" he said kissing my forehead before going back to his desk.

"alright listen up! tonight i'm in charge. my assistant is on her way, you need coffee? ask her and she'll get it." i said making everyone nod.

"photography department, i need your pictures to be approved" i said as they handed me their pictures. i quickly skimmed through them and found the perfect ones "these three" i said handing them back the chosen pictures. i threw the unneeded ones in the trash.

"you! get that pencil off the ground before someone slips on their ass and breaks their neck!" i yelled pointing to the pencil.


"is this aikko with two k's or one?" kuroo asked, "two" a girl said. "is that confirmed?" i asked. "not sure" she replied, "two k's it is" kuroo sighed.

"guys bad news" alisa said, "what" kuroo asked. "we're losing our printer time" she said, "keep working, tetsu. i'll handle this. give me the phone" i said.

"hi who am i talking to?" i asked, "never mind i don't care, this is l/n y/n. listen to me, this paper will come out. there hasn't been a single year, week, month, or day where the nekoma news hasn't come out. so you will take this even if it is ten minutes past the due date. is that clear?" i asked.

"well no fucking shit the deadline was ten minutes ago. you think if i didn't know that i wouldn't be on the phone right now? do you want money? is that what you want? name your price and i will write a check." i said rolling my eyes.

"almost done" kuroo mumbled.

"you don't want money? fine. how would you and your family feel having the tetsuro's, kozume's, l/n's, tanaka's, leiko's, and the kyoto's against your family? oh and we have millions of connections that could ultimately put your family out of business forever. so i suggest you give us the printer time so we can get this paper out." i threatened looking at kuroo who signalled that he was done.

"great! expect a check tomorrow. have a good night." i said hanging up and sighing. "the paper will be out by monday" i said and everyone cheered. kuroo gave me a hug, and kissed my forehead.

"you are a saint" he sighed, "sorry about our date" he said rubbing my arm. "it's fine, don't sweat it. my parents are gone for the weekend so we can catch a late dinner at my house and you can stay over" i said. "i feel bad for cancelling our second date" he said with a small frown.

"well how about every sunday we have a date then?" i asked, "yeah?" he asked. "yeah. cmon let's get you something to eat, your brain must be exhausted by now"

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 // 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐌𝐀 𝐊Where stories live. Discover now