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right before i was about to leave i opened the door and gasped. "m-mom" i yelled, "what is it?" she asked putting on her earrings. "oh my god, ryo!" my mom yelled. i picked up the large bag and placed it on the dining table.

"where are you?" my dad asked, "dining room!" i yelled. "what's wrong-" he gazed at the large bag.


someone delivered a birkin bag to my door, with my name on it.

now for any other person this would be fine except...everyone knows that in the l/n family if you have interest in someone, they gift you a birkin bag. it's a tradition.

"who the fuck.." i whispered picking up the bag. "ryo" my mom whispered. "read the card, now" my dad demanded, "to y/n, i hope you enjoy the bag. - the kuroo's" i said. "what does that mean? the kuroo's" i asked putting my things into the bag.

"i don't even know!" she exclaimed.

"i don't have time to deal with this right now, i have a dinner to cook" i said putting on my shoes and leaving the house.

getting into my audi i started the car and made my way to the kozume's house.

i ringed the doorbell and the maid answered it for me, "i'm y/n" i said as she took my jacket. "mrs kenma is waiting for you in the living room" she said. "thank you" i replied with a smile.

"ah y/n, welcome!" yuki, kenma's mom said. "thank you for having me" i said sitting on the couch, "this is tetsuro, keiko, and tamaki" yuki said. "ah i see you've gotten the bag" keiko said, "beautiful bag it is. i must admit, it caught me off guard when i opened the door though" i replied with a small smile.

"im afraid i have to get cooking now, im already a little bit behind schedule." i said standing up, "oh yes of course don't let us stop you" tamaki said drinking his scotch.

"thank you, i'll see you all at dinner" i said leaving the room.

"y/n!" i heard kuroo say, "hey. kuroo, right?" i asked. "yeah. uh listen, i was the one who got you the bag" he said, "oh really?".

i was shocked to say the least.

"well you must know about the tradition then" i smiled, "yeah. so, a date?" he asked. he was handsome, defined jawline, slightly messy hair, and extremely tall. the glasses complemented his face shape, and his eyes. they were, beautiful.

oh did i mention he's muscular too?

well he's muscular.

"yeah, sure" i smiled, "great. i'll be sure to catch your number by the end of tonight. see you later, chef" he said before walking away.

i quickly pulled out my phone and dialed aikko. "remember in the car how i told you about the bag?" i asked, yeah what about it?" she replied, "kuroo tetsuro" i said. "ouuu he's hot. what about him though?" she asked, "he's the one who bought me the bag, idiot" i muttered.

"OH" she screamed.

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 // 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐌𝐀 𝐊Where stories live. Discover now