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where was the place he fell in love with me? i don't even know, we've never even said i love you to each other.


i read his text over and over again, until i gasped in realization before starting my car. i drove to the closest hermes store and got out of my car. "oikawa?" i asked, "what are you doing in tokyo?" i asked as he handed me the bag.

"couldn't let him down" he said with a sad smile, "i got to go but we should catch up soon!" he said giving me a hug. "yeah for sure. see you later" i said before he walked away to his car.

i walked back to my car and opened the bag, placing the rose on the passenger seat. i pulled out a... cheque?

my eyes widened at the number. 20 million dollars.

i immediately looked for the note.

that is my trust fund. i left it to you so you can expand your company. wish 3, please don't ever doubt my love for you. go to the stars.

"oh yeah because i can magically become neil armstrong and walk on the moon" i said, starting my car.

as i drove to the small lake we once had a picnic at, i stopped my car, and got out of it. only to be met with... iwaizumi?

"why are you in tokyo too?" i asked walking up to him, "cant let him down" he said handing me the bag before walking away. "weird" i mumbled looking up at the sky. the view was perfect.

i went back into my car and opened the bag looking for the gift. much to my surprise it was a... car key?

"what the..."

i opened the note that came a long with it.

i built you a car :) it's in my garage, i hope you like it! head to my house .

4: if there is one thing i'm sure of, is that you've always belonged with me.

"oh god" i said tearing up.

i started my car and drove to his house.

"y/n" his mom said greeting me at the driveway. she opened the garage and i gasped. it was gorgeous. it was f/c with a white leather interior.

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 // 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐌𝐀 𝐊Where stories live. Discover now