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three years later i received an invitation to a party, specifically by kenma's parents. which is how i found myself in japan, standing in a line to get into the party. "y/n?" someone said from behind me, "hey guys!" i said giving tetsu's parents a hug each.

"gosh it's been so long. three years was it?" she asked, "three years" i said nodding my head. "i've seen the media, business has been crazy for you hasnt it?" he asked. "it is. in fact i'm pretty sure my team in japan are catering this party" i said looking around.

"thank god. we were so worried that the food here would be terrible. we almost considered eating at home before we left" she said shaking her head with a small laugh.

"i'll see you inside" i said before telling the body guard my name. "y/n" i said, he nodded before opening the door. "have a good time" he said curtly.

"my, my, y/n" a voice said.

kenmas girlfriend.

"miko" i smilied, "i didn't know they were inviting degenerates" she said with a fake smile. "considering my team is catering this event, i would think that i have a right to be here. i didn't know kenma went for gold diggers. see you around" i said giving her a dirty look before leaving.

she's calling me a disgrace to society? has she donated thousands of dollars to hungry children in need? is she the one that makes food and gives them out to people in the streets? if anything she's the degenerate. after all, contracting std's are not something to be proud of. but that's just what comes and goes in the media i guess.

i made my way towards the kitchen and smiled at all the familiar faces. "hey guys" i said leaning against the door frame. "y/n!" kosuke smiled giving me a hug. "you scared us for a awhile. we thought u were too good for us now, living in paris and all" aikko said. "i could never leave my favourite staff behind" i smiled.

"we'll catch up after the event, i'll be in town for a few weeks. get back to cooking!" i said, "some things never change with you" kosuke smiled before walking off to his station.

i left the kitchen and walked back into the main room. people were gathered around the piano as kenma's girlfriend sat on his lap as he played. just seeing them reminded me of the times when i would do the same with tetsu.

i wiped a few tears and at the end of the song, kenma looked up from the piano making eye contact with me. "hi" i mouthed to him before i started to walk away.

however they both ran after me as i tried to get out of the house as fast as possible, without running into them. "y/n!" kenma said as his girlfriend gripped my wrist making me turn around.

"you know what" his girlfriend said taking her glass and a knife. "i would like to make a toast" she said tapping the back of her knife to the glass.

oh god this isn't going to go well.

"to y/n. the girl who fell in love with her dead cheating boyfriends best friend. no wonder why kuroo cheated on you"

i felt tears prickle my eyes.

"to y/n. who grew a business using daddies money. to the girl who has an alcohol addiction, which is why she went to rehab three years ago."

what the fuck.

"miko, stop this right now" kenma whispered.

"to y/n. the girl who wrote a love letter to a taken guy and then flying off to paris" she said. "to y/n!" she said downing her glass of champagne.

oh how badly i want to rock this girls shit right now

"not so surprised that he cheated on you now, are you?" she said before slapping me.

i didn't even slap her back.

i decked her in the face.

"yeah? is that why you're a gold digger who lives off of lip injections and your boyfriends money?" i asked before slapping her again and walking away.

i could hear the murmurs of everyone.

they were haunting me with every step i took.

"y/n!" kenma said grabbing my hand. "stop it" i said pulling my hand away and getting into the car. "you've done enough" i whispered before the driver drove off.

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