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"because i love you for fucks sakes!" she screamed, i placed her books on a nearby bench and buttoned up one button on my blazer before walking away. she loves him? why? he's been cheating on her for months on end, and she loves him? he treats her like shit, she doesn't know he's cheating on her, i guess theres a first for everything.

"you hear the fight that tetsu and y/n are having in the parking lot?" my friend, kise asked. "she had it coming for her i guess. he's been cheating on her for months" i replied tying my hair back.

"here she comes" he murmured looking in her direction. "with tetsu right behind her" he said. "oh my god! fine! i'll see you at eight for our dinner if you're so fucking desperate" she nearly yelled before going to her car.

"tell her i haven't been cheating on her" tetsu said rubbing his temple, "sorry man, you're on your own for this one" i replied patting his shoulder before getting into my car.


i arrived at the restaurant at eight as i said i would. however, tetsu wasn't here yet. i decided to wait a few minutes incase he was late. though minutes later i was now sitting at the bar drinking my coke thinking about our entire relationship.

i put a five dollar bill on the counter before taking my leave. looking at the clock on my phone just now realizing it was ten pm. "fuck my head hurts" i groaned looking at who was calling me this late. "what's up" i said bringing the phone to my ear, "uh... is kuroo with you right now?" gen asked.

"i got stood up, why" i asked, "because he's here at this party with the prissy new girl..." she replied. "of. fucking. course. thanks." i said hanging up and getting into my car.

maybe this was for the best, i have a business to keep up with, as well as school. yeah. i don't have time to deal with relationships right now. besides, who am i without money and social status?

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