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it has to be perfect. everything has to be perfect. it's what he would've wanted. and it was, until the new girl was there with her newfound goon squad as they all cried their eyes out. her precious boyfriend died. god who even invited her. he was my boyfriend first.

as irinas father talked to mine, i smiled.

have fun loosing your job.

i decided to stand behind a tree to eavesdrop because the ceremony still hadn't started yet. "ah, l/n how are you" her dad asked, "mourning, angry" my dad said looking her dad up and down.

"listen, you're fired" he said, "what... why?" irina's dad asked panicked. "i cant have a home wreckers father working for my company. your last day is next friday" he said. "that's insane! are you mental?" he nearly yelled, "i cant have someone whose daughter ruined my family's reputation working for me." my dad said before walking away.

"i knew it" hana said, "we all knew he would get fired. doesn't her mom work for your mom too?" gen asked. "yeah" i replied. "oh look i see them! let's go eavesdrop" kaede said, we all walked over and hid behind a wall.

my mom owned a top model agency.

"i cant have you risking my reputation anymore!" my mom whisper yelled, "so what my daughter ruined your daughters relationship! they weren't gonna last anyways with a whore like your daughter" and that was it, my mom slapped her.

the sound of my moms hand colliding with her moms cheek rang throughout the house making everyone stop and turn.

"how dare you call my daughter a whore. you can insult me and my company, but under no circumstance will you insult my family. you're fired. leave my house now." my mom hissed.

"whatever no one wants to work for a family of whores anyways" her mom said grabbing her daughter. "oh fuck no" i said grabbing her moms arm, "my family and i have connections from all over the world. i can and will go through the work to make sure you and your family never live another day in the workplace. all of the money you have now? gone within a snap of my fingers" i said.

"as if you could do that"

try me bitch.

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 // 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐌𝐀 𝐊Where stories live. Discover now