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"i heard there's a new girl at school today" kaede said walking into class, "that her?" i asked looking at the new blonde. "i guess so" gen said shrugging her shoulders, "yo whose that??" kuroo asked dapping up his friend. "new girl" he replied with a smile, "oh" kuroo replied with a smirk.

"oh my god! did you hear that?" hana hissed tapping my arm, "unfortunately" i sighed placing my hands on his desk. "hey babe" he said kissing my cheek, "uh no" i said pushing his head away with my finger. "we need to talk after school. my place, four. don't be late"

"don't be like that" he said grabbing onto my arm, "take your seats everyone" the teacher said coming into the class.

he is my boyfriend, why is he checking out another girl like that? what is his issue? is he not interested in me anymore? jeez, if he wasn't interested in me anymore he could've just said so, christ.

3pm, skl parking lot.

"i wasn't checking her out" he said, "you literally were, i saw you." i replied. "i wasn't! i just asked who she was" he said holding the bridge of his nose. "yeah and then you made that 'she's hot' face" i said getting up from my chair and sitting on my bed.

"why are you acting like you've never thought a boy was attractive before?" he asked throwing his hands up in the air. "because i've never had to look in another guys way because i have you! why would i need to ogle over somebody else when i have a boyfriend!" i snapped crossing my arms over my chest.

"okay and? im not allowed to find other people attractive?" he asked, "you are but don't eye fuck the new girl!" i yelled back.

"what a shame, you've ruined a perfectly good couple" genevieve said with a sigh. "h-huh?" she asked turning around to face the arguing couple. "here's the thing about y/n, babe." hana said putting a hand on her shoulder.

"she doesn't share what belongs to her."
"o-oh, they're dating?"
"no shit"
"oh... but we kissed?"

kaede spit out her water, "you what?" she nearly yelled before hana covered her mouth. "you guys kissed? what the fuck!" kaede said taking hana's hand away from her mouth.

"man you've fucked up big time. you mess with y/n, you're pretty much hated, transfer while you can" gen said. "doesn't your dad work for her dad too? yikes..." hana said making a face.

"not to mention you kissed her too? god, if you were that bored of me you could've just told me so!" i exclaimed. "why are you acting so, jealous?" he asked, "because i love you for fucks sake!" i said before walking away.

i passed by the girls who were talking to the new girl.

"watch your back, home wrecker" i said before walking to my car.

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 // 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐌𝐀 𝐊Where stories live. Discover now