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after years of dating kenma, it was finally time we settled down. both of our businesses were doing extremely well, we just kept getting richer and richer. soon enough we were both billionaires with more money than we could spend. which is why we've been donating large sums of money to different charities weekly.

our parents are taken care of with their retirement money, as well as money that we send them monthly. and of course, we're famous.

i've gone worldwide with my restaurants and catering business, and having kosuke as my co founder. life is good.

it's funny how i went from having a small business in highschool to growing an empire all on my own.

what's also funny is how ken is in the other room with my dad talking about something. "what do you think they're talking about?" i asked my mom, "i don't know, maybe he's asking for your hand in marriage" she said shrugging her shoulders.


"it's about time you guys got married. after three years of dating, and many years of history." she said placing her coffee cup down. "i don't know, we're still young. only twenty three. is that too young to get married?" i asked.

"non sense! your grandmother remarried three times over the course of twenty years before she met your grandfather" she said. "that's a lot of men" i said. "i don't know, i kind of hope he does propose"

two weeks later

i woke up today and thought, "today is going to be a good day"

and it definitely was a good fucking day.

by now it was already spring so it was fairly warm. I put on my house slippers and walked to the kitchen to find the table set and food everywhere. "ken, this is more food than the both of us could eat combined" i said sitting down in a chair.

"i have an entire day planned for us" he said.

time skip

the entire day was filled with eating, walking, shopping, and laughter. "I have one last place for us" he said starting the car, "care to tell?" i asked. "no clues" he replied.

we reached our destination and he opened the door for me. it seemed like we were in a forest. "are you trying to kill me?" i asked holding his hand. "i love you too much for that" he replied leading me to a secret spot.

"what're we doing here?" i asked as we continued walking, "just wait" he said.

after a few more minutes of walking, we reached a gazebo. it was littered with fairy lights, and rose petals on the ground.

"what's all this for?" i asked stepping onto it. "take a shot first" he said popping open the small bottle of hennessy. "uh... okay?" i said skeptically.

i took the shot and slightly made a face due to the taste. i turned around to place the shot back onto the gazebo railings. when i turned back around to face kenma he was on the ground, on one knee, with a ring box open.

"from the day we started talking, i knew you were the one. i haven't met anyone as amazing as you. and even though we've been through some tough shit together, i wouldn't have done it any other way. it took a lot of time and effort for us to be who we want to be together. but it was worth it. and i'm so glad you're the person i'm doing this with."

"will you marry me?"

i was shocked. well, not really, but it was a surprise.

"yes" i whispered wiping away my tears.

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 // 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐌𝐀 𝐊Where stories live. Discover now