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i relapsed.

all it took was for him to cheat on me, and i relapsed. is it bad i don't want to get better? i mean sure, it's good to. but, it's comforting. being rich and unhappy, is comforting. because here i am, crying in a range rover on a friday night.

but it's not just because of him.

maybe it's because i relapsed, or because i broke my promise to my mom. but whatever it was, i hated it, but i also loved it.

i sat in his driveway for another ten minutes fixing up my makeup and putting in eye drops. my hangover was cured, ish.

i got out of the car and rang the doorbell, which i was greeted by the maid. "hi" she smiled welcoming me into their home, "hi" i said handing her my jacket. "your parents as well as everyone else is in the living room" she said, "thanks" i mumbled taking off my heals.

"there she is!" my mom exclaimed patting a spot next to her, "how are you, y/n?" his mom asked. "just fine, you?" i replied, "peachy. coke?" she asked. "sure" i replied as she went to the bar, "i know what happened between you and tetsu" my mom whispered into my ear.

"thanks" i said taking a drink from the cup before spitting it back out. "is there an issue?" his mom asked with a small smirk, "this isn't just coke" i mumbled looking into the glass.

"what do you mean?" my dad asked taking the cup and drinking from it. "rum. coke and rum." he said, "are you kidding me?" my mom yelled. "she's been sober for three years and you give her rum and coke? i know you and my daughter have differences, but considering the circumstances with her and your son i'd think you'd act differently." my mom yelled picking up her bag.

"i don't know what you're talking about" his mom said with her head high. "you're son here has been cheating on my daughter with the new girl at their school. he blew her off at their date last night to meet up with her at a party and do scandalous things that would for sure put your entire family out of business." my mom exclaimed.

my father stood up and said, "our lawyers will be contacting you. we're leaving" tetsu looked at me with a pitiful look.

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 // 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐌𝐀 𝐊Where stories live. Discover now