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"should i call her?" kozume's mom paces around the room. "i don't know, do you think she would still cater for us? probably not after what kenma did. oh i have an idea! maybe we can offer a shit load of money" his dad said looking at the phone. "you know what i should just call her" she said picking up the phone and dialling your home phone.

"hello?" i answered, "y/n?" she asked. "ah mrs kenma! i was awaiting your call" i chuckled grabbing my schedule book and sitting down at the table.

"oh i'm delighted! i was sure you weren't going to agree to cater for us, especially after what happened last night. we apologize for that, again." she said. "no worries, business is business. what dates were you looking for?" i asked opening up my schedule.

"next week?" she asked, "the tenth" she said again. "uhhh let me look here... ah yes! i'm free that date!" i said, "great, write us down for april tenth!" she exclaimed. "alright, that day is specifically reserved for you. are there any other details i should know about?" i asked.

"oh yes, we loved that lobster pot pie you made. i was wondering if you could make that?" she asked, "uh yeah, for sure! what about the salad course?" i asked, "baby arugula, with a light vinegar dressing" she said. i quickly wrote down the main courses before thinking about kenma.

he doesn't like lobster what should i do

"what about your son?" i asked, "what about him?" his father muttered. "what about him?" his mom asked, "he doesn't like lobster" i said writing down kenma on my notepad.

"don't worry about him" she said, "no it's okay, i insist. i like to make sure all of clients are happy" i said, "oh uh, the steak you made him is good. i think he liked that a lot." she muttered.

"great, although i have to tell you now that because i'm making something that isn't on the planned menu, it will cost extra" i said closing my notepad. "that's okay, our son has been an inconvenience to you enough. expect a very heavy pay check" she said.

"pleasure doing business with you, let me know times and such. goodbye" i hung up.

"who was on the phone?" mom asked walking into the kitchen, "the kenmas" i sighed. "no way. are they seriously asking you to cater their dinner party next week? that is absolutely blasphemous! did you accept?"

"business is business" i shrugged my shoulders and went back into the kitchen.

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 // 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐌𝐀 𝐊Where stories live. Discover now