38 (dear kenma)

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kenmas pov.
i = kenmas thoughts

dear kenma, if you are reading this, it's because my request has been fulfilled. by the time you read this letter, i will be on a plane to paris. my number has been changed, so i hope you don't contact me. how have things been with your girlfriend? good i hope. ever since that night you told me about her, i couldn't even begin to describe how jealous i was. jealous because i wished to be in her place. but, i guess being envious doesn't really get you anywhere, right?

to begin, the thought of even harbouring feelings for you seems wrong. but i knew it was so r̸i̸g̸h̸t̸. i guess i was wrong wasnt i? we've always been connected through tetsu, there's no doubt about that. but looking back now, i knew you were in love with me back then. the signs were so obvious. and then when tetsu died, i knew that love for me died inside with you.

i think that, maybe i loved you too.

but now i'm certain of it. through every second we ever spent together. mourning, laughing, crying, and yelling, i've fallen in love with it. and you.

i know we've lost contact this past year, or more like i cut off all contact. we all know girlfriends hate the "girl bestfriend". i wasn't about to be that bestfriend. so ultimately i cut you off from my life.

kenma, i wish you the best that life has to offer. i wish that you and your girlfriend are long lasting. i wish that tetsu is always with you in your adventures or wherever you may end up. but lastly, i wish you earn all that success has to offer. i love you, forever and always.



what a short letter. who knew a short letter that consisted of merely a few hundred words could say so much. what am i supposed to do now? she's in paris by now, it's not like i can fly out and hunt her down.

or can i..?

no i can't. my girlfriend wouldn't like that. it sucks because we were both too late. i confessed too late and she realized too late.

and now we've both moved on

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