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"appetizers need to be out by seven, the meatballs, hors d'eoveres, and the mushrooms need to be out as soon as guests start arriving." i ordered. "where is the alcohol?" i asked looking in the empty beverage fridge. "where is the fucking wine for my dishes?" i asked again, no one answered.

"kaori, go find the wines. here's the list for them, make sure these numbers are exact. bring them back here and put them in the fridge when you're done" i sighed handing her the list.

"get cooking!" i yelled and everyone went to their respected places.

i unbuttoned my blazer and rolled up my sleeves.

"you're apron" kosuke said, "thanks" i said

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"you're apron" kosuke said, "thanks" i said.

hours later

hours later and everything was slowly coming into place. "y/n come greet some guests" my mom said, "okay i'll be there in a second. akari, stir for a few minutes and then take it off the heat. put it in the heating tray afterwards" i said taking my apron off and tossing it on a chair.

"i'll be back in ten"

"this is my daughter, y/n. shes our chef tonight" your mom said placing a hand behind your back. "hi nice to meet you, i'm y/n" i said shaking their hands, "this is aikko, and i'm michio. i must say we are very excited to be trying your dishes tonight" michio said.

"i'm excited to be serving you. does everything taste okay?" i asked, "everything is fine, except the meatballs are a tad bit salty" aikko said. "oh my, i apologize for that. i'll be sure to get that checked with my chefs right now, i apologize again. excuse me" i said putting a hand on my dads arm before leaving to the kitchen again.

"don't bring out anything yet" i yelled eating a meatball, "these are too salty! get it fixed!" i said leaving the kitchen and going to the other one.

"dinner starts in an hour, how are we doing for time?" i asked, "good, the soup is in the warming tray." kosuke said. "yeah, the pot pies are almost done, and i think i saw akari put the salmon in the warming tray"

"get the caviar on there as soon as you start plating, which is in... fifteen minutes" i said taking out plates.

fifteen minutes later

minutes later everyone was settled in their seats and awaiting to hear the menu plan. "good evening everyone! i hope you're all hungry, because our first course is coming out!" i said through the microphone.

"your first course consists of a mushroom soup. made with freshly grown baby mushrooms. and for our vegetarian guests, we have a zucchini soup made by our soup specialist, kosuke tomi." i said. "if there is anything wrong with your soup, please notify me and we'll get it fixed asap".

"so she's the chef everyone raves about?" kuroo asked kenma, "i guess" kenma replied drinking his soup. "kenma, you're using the wrong spoon!" his mom scolded handing him the right spoon.

"excuse me, y/n" his mom said, "hey, is something wrong with the soup?" i asked. "oh no dear, the soup is wonderful. i was wondering if we could get another spoon for his main course. he used that spoon for his soup, instead of his soup spoon"

"oh yeah, no problem. i'll get that right now for you" i said walking towards the kitchen.

"oh it's that y/n" kuroo said, "huh? oh" kenma muttered. "she's absolutely gorgeous" kuroo's mom said, "yeah i agree, and she's an excellent chef too. the l/n's got lucky" kenmas' father agreed.

"sorry for the wait, here's your spoon" i said placing it on the table next to his salad fork.

"you should cater my high school party" kuroo said, "tetsuro!" his mother exclaimed slapping his arm. "she caters actual dinner parties, not stupid highschool parties" his dad said. "oh yeah, that." i muttered walking away, "look you've scared her away now. we were looking to book her for next months dinner. she's a very busy girl, everyone is out to get her for their dinners" tetsuros mother sighed.

"my bad"

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 // 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐌𝐀 𝐊Where stories live. Discover now