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1 year later

one year passed and you weren't really sure how to feel about it still. the feelings you've developed overtime for kenma, and the loss of kuroo. everyday when you saw kenma you thought of him.

is it bad that i like my dead boyfriends bestfriend? i mean it sounds bad but... it's not like i planned this.

you decided since kenma was coming over you would tell him then. but for now, you decided to snap back into it and continue cooking for this event.

"you mine if i steal your head chef for a little?" a voice said from the door. kosuke nodded before taking over my station, "kenma?" i asked walking
over to him. "what're you doing here?" i asked giving him a hug, "well it is my house after all" he chuckled. "oh right!" i said shaking my head, "my minds all over the place right now. anyways, what's up?" i asked.

"well i have something i need to tell you"

oh my god is he confessing?

"i have a girlfriend"


"since when?" i asked, "almost six months. but before you grill me for not telling you before, i wanted to wait it out a little to see if it would actually go somewhere" he said. "oh. yeah. don't sweat it. uh, listen, i have to get back in there. i'll see you later" i said walking away.

"y/n wait!"

i didn't bother to turn back and look at him. i was too late.

how could i have waited this long?

first i have to work on my birthday, and now this?

i went outside on the balcony and sighed putting my hands on my head. "fucking hell" i said closing my eyes, and taking long breaths.

the rest of the night i ignored kenma, his new girlfriend, my parents, his parents, everyone. i felt like if i spoke one more word i would've snapped on my staff, and i didn't want that.

the next day.

the next day i was sitting on my bed with a hair wrapped in a towel, looking at the pink, heart shaped box. my mom gave it to me as an early birthday present from kuroo, and i've been scared to open it ever since.

but reluctantly, i undid the bow and opened the box.

the box came with a rose.

there was a note, it said:

hey love! happy birthday, i love you. 18 gifts for an 18th birthday :) go to the spot where we first met

wish 1.

i hope to love you for as long as i live. my atoms love your atoms, seems like we have chemistry together <3

i opened the second box inside, and it revealed a pearl necklace. not just any pearl necklace, it was a vivian westwood.

i gasped looking at it as i placed it on my dresser and took my keys.

i rushed into my car and drove to the school parking lot where i saw yaku waiting for me. "i believe this is for you" he said handing me a bag with a rose in it before he walked away.

i opened the bag and fished out the note.

wish 2:

i wish to feel loved by you all the time. i love you endlessly.

spot 2: where i first fell in love with you

i put the note in my pocket and shed a few tears, all this for me? all this and he still cheated.

i fished through the bag some more and found a small ring box. i opened it and it was a diamond heart covered in small gems.

i wiped my tears and put the ring on. it looked beautiful.

i went back to my car and placed the items in the back seat and sighed. where was he talking about?

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