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"kuroo tetsuro" i said to the lady at the front counter, "he's currently in emergency surgery, that's all i can give out" she said. "fiancé, im his fiancé" i said, "im sorry we still cannot disclose that information" she said. "you can wait in the waiting room, he'll be out soon" she said, i walked away.

i took out my phone and dialled hana since her dad owned the hospital. "hana-" i said quickly and she cut me off, "he's in emergency surgery for broken bone repair. they had to get him in the OR almost immediately" she said. "he has a collapsed lung, a few broken ribs, arm, and leg. my dads on his way now, he's going to be taking care of him." she continued.

"he's in good hands, y/n. don't worry about it. i'm on my way with clean clothes for you, everyone else is coming with other things" she said. "thank you" i sighed and she hung up.

minutes later the girls came and dropped things off for me before leaving.

"family of kuroo tetsuro?" hana's dad asked, "hi" i said walking up to him. "he's out of surgery, and he's awake. you can go see him now if you'd like" he said. "room 306" he said, "thank you so much" i said before walking to his room.

"hey" i said sadly walking over to his bed, "hi" he smiled. "how are you?" i asked, "just peachy, besides my injuries" he said sarcastically. "my parents are on their trip?" he asked, "yeah" i sighed.

"kenmas in his way" i said, "incase i don't make it-" he said. "no." i shut him down. "no. don't say that. you'll be fine" i say closing my eyes, "i went into a stroke during surgery" he said. "the chances of me dying are high" he said.

possible foreshadowing?

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 // 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐌𝐀 𝐊Where stories live. Discover now