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i opened the door to the house and took my jacket off handing it off to the maids. kuroo did the same. "you guys haven't headed home yet? why?" i asked aikko, the maid. "i was given instructions to wait until you get home by mr and mrs l/n" she said, "don't worry about them. it's nearly midnight, go home to your families" i said with a smile.

"i'll let everyone else know. i'll see you tomorrow" i said taking kuroo's hand into the living room. "anything to drink?" i asked turning on the light, "parents aren't here" i said going over to the liquor cart. "scotch then" he said, i put a few ice cubes and poured some of the liquor into the cup.

"heard you're a light weight. be careful, this stuff is stronger than usual" i said hanging him the glass. "come, i had kosuke put some chicken in the oven." i said walking towards the kitchen. "hey kos, you can go home. i'll take care of this" i said and he nodded and left the kitchen.

"thanks again for the help, and dinner." he said, "don't sweat it. i'm always a phone call away." i replied. "plus, i wanna be able to do things for you" i said, "yeah?" he asked setting his glass down.

"yeah" i said softly as he walked towards me, "you are one special girl" he whispered tucking some hair behind my ear. "and you're drunk" i said putting my hand on his forearm.

"shh" he shushed wrapping his arms around my waist. "extra clingy when you're drunk, aren't you" i murmured leaning against the fridge and rubbing small circles on his back.

"how was your week so far?" i asked trying to make conversation. "super good" he said lazily, "hm? why is that?" i asked. "because you were there. flaunting that birkin around, telling people it was me who got it for you. and you looked so pretty all week, if i could kiss you every time i thought you looked pretty, i'd never stop"

"i also learned that you are a fan of channel, dior, and hermès" he said. "can i talk now?" i giggled letting my hands rest in his hair, "one, when you have something as fancy as a birkin. you flaunt it. birkin bags were made to be shown off, it's even better that you bought the bag though. you looked good all week too." i said.

"oh that's the timer, hungry?" i asked opening the oven door. i put on some gloves and took the hot pan out, "holy shit, that smells good" he groaned. "ill see you in the dining room, give me a second" i said. "alright see you in there, chef" he said taking his glass and kissing my cheek before leaving.


the next morning i woke up and found the bed next to me empty. assuming kuroo had woken up, i got out of bed and made my way downstairs. "mr kuroo is in the kitchen taking some advil for his headache" aikko said greeting me with a smile. "goodmorning aikko! were you able to see your kids last night? sorry for sending you home late" i said walking to the kitchen.

"no worries. yes, i was able to see my husband and kids. they were hyper on sugar when i came home" she laughed. "be sure to show me more pictures soon!" i exclaimed, "oh right! have my parents called yet?" i asked opening the kitchen door. "not yet. i'll let you know when they do though" she said.

"hey tetsu" i smiled grabbing two glasses, "coffee?" i asked. "please" he groaned rubbing his head, "light weight" i teased handing him the cup. "two sugars two creams?" he asked and i nodded. "anything you have to do today?" i asked.

"get breakfast on the table soon. he needs food" i said taking his hand before walking out of the kitchen.

"sleep well?" i asked opening the patio door, "i love summer" i sighed sitting down on the couch. "like a baby, your bed so so comfortable in actually jealous" he laughed sitting across from me.

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 // 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐌𝐀 𝐊Where stories live. Discover now