26. (week 2)

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y/ns journal

normally i don't go judge these food wars because i would be busy with catering. but i haven't been in the kitchen for over a month, my staff has been doing everything for me. i don't know what i'd do without them. but i decided that it would be good to visit my old school once again since i graduated from there early.

i wonder how erina and alice are doing.

and i've been hearing the buzz about a new transfer student, i figured it would be good to taste his food myself.


putting on my best simple dress i opened my door. much to my relief there weren't any maids roaming the hallway. i walked downstairs and to my surprise my father was actually sitting on the couch, and he was reading.

"uh, hi" i said quietly, he looked up from his book and smiled. "y/n!" he said walking over to me. "i heard you accepted to go judge a food war at totsuki. are you excited?" he asked leading me into the kitchen, "yeah kinda" i said drinking some water.

"if you see erina and alice, say hi for me" he said, "okay. i'm gonna go now. let mom know i've left" i said giving him a hug. "will do. i'll be watching on tv!"

i got into the car that was sent for me and sighed, maybe i don't want to go to this. oh well, too late now i guess.


after a long ass car ride we finally reached the academy. the only thing i could feel was nostalgia. "uh- do you know where i'm supposed to go?" i looked behind me to see if my driver was still there, but he wasn't.

okay don't stress. all you have to do is check in with headmaster

i walked through the gates and looked around.

man you'd think with a school this rich they'd at least change something.

"is that l/n y/n?" i heard some students whisper. as i walked through the halls more people started to look and whisper. everyone knows that i don't judge these things unless they're important.

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 // 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐌𝐀 𝐊Where stories live. Discover now