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"we need to talk" kuroo said through the phone, "what's up?" i asked lying down on the hotel bed. "i kissed another girl last night" he said.

the line went silent.

i hung up.

"fuck!" i yelled dialling him again. "y/n?" he asked, "we'll talk about this when i get home." i said hanging up again.

i picked up the phone again and called my three best friends. "y/n? how's venice?" hana asked, "tetsu kissed another girl" i said and genevieve gasped. "he what?" she asked, "he kissed another girl" aikko said. "while you're in venice? that whore!" kaede exclaimed, "what did you say?" one of the girls asked.

"i told him that we would talk when i get home." i sighed rubbing my forehead. "do i really even have a right to be mad? i mean it's not like we were actually dating" i said.

"okay but you guys were practically dating, i'm pretty sure you have a right to be mad" aikko replied, "yeah i agree" genevieve said. "he's an ass for that though"kaede mumbled.

"you're coming back next week right?"


i pulled up to his house and sighed, "god i really do not wanna do this" i groaned hitting my head against the head rest. "now or never i guess" i said getting out of the car.

i knocked on the door and the maid opened it for me, "hey y/n, how was your time in venice?" she asked. "not bad, was a little rocky towards the end of it though. how has this past month been for you?" i asked taking off my shoes. "well, i actually went to singapore with my husband for a week for our anniversary!" she exclaimed.

"really! did you enjoy your time there?" i asked, "yeah it was amazing! anyways tetsuro is in his room, let me know when you're leaving. i brought back a gift for you" she said.

"will do. i'll be heading upstairs now" i said walking up the stairs.

"tetsu?" i asked knocking on the door, "it's me, y/n" i said. "oh shit- yeah come in" he mumbled, "hey" i said sitting on his bed. "you wanted to talk, let's talk" i said crossing my legs, "just run me through what happened that night".

"well this girl and i went out, well, not really went out per say. it's a partner assignment and she came over, sorry poor choice of words before. anyways, we were working, and she put her hand on mine. we looked at each other and it just happened, y'know? she initiated it though." he rambled.

"okay so... you didn't initiate it, right?" i asked, "yeah" he replied.

"so what's the issue?"
"if you didn't initiate it then there's no big deal?"
"it's not like we're dating"

"y/n it's not like that-" he said putting his hand on mine. i pulled my hand away and said "no i see how it is. one moment you're practically in love with me and the next you're telling ME to not leave you, but you're over here just kissing project partners?" i exclaimed.

"i see exactly how it is."

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 // 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐌𝐀 𝐊Where stories live. Discover now