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the next morning kuroo showed up at your door ready to drive you to school. "hey!" i said happily getting into his passenger seat, "how are you, chef?" he asked kissing my cheek. "very well, you?" i smiled putting my hands on my lap.

despite nekoma being a very prestigious highschool, it was extremely big.

"ready to head in?" he asked opening the door for me, "i guess" i said shrugging my shoulders and walking inside the school.

word spreads around fast because it seems like  everyone knows about our date.

"you said you liked to travel right?" he asked as i twisted my locker dial, "yeah." i replied. he put his arm above the locker and said, "what's your favourite place you've visited besides paris?" he asked.

without hesitation i said Venice.

"really? you ever been on the beaches there? they're really nice" he said, "i've been there over ten times, of course i've been to their beaches" i rolled my eyes and closed my locker.

"your locker next?" i asked and he nodded, "what about you? where do you like to go?" i asked. "LA is nice, but my favourite by far has to be singapore" he replied opening his locker.

"really? i've never been. i heard their airport is nice" i said, "trust me, the airport isn't even the most of it. yeah it's nice and shit, but man the resorts there are top notch" he said.

"you look so studious like that" i said leaning my back against the locker beside his, and turning my head to admire him. "how so?" he asked closing his locker.

"the glasses, uniform, books. you look like a nerd" i giggled. "a hot nerd at least?" he said taking my books. "hey you don't have to carry my books, and yes, a hot nerd" i muttered the last part.

"what was that? i didn't hear you" kuroo said cupping his ear with one hand. "shut it" i murmured. "and there he is, in his glory, kozume kenma. per usual, making out with a random girl before class" kuroo said. i laughed, "you sound like those netflix documentary people" i said.

"such a shame, poor girl. hey kenma! stop shoving your tongue down the poor girls throat and come talk to me!" kuroo hollered making kenma stop, and groan. "i'll see you after class?" kenma asked the random girl, "what happens if i don't?" she asked tilting her head to the side and touching his arm.

"good thing you are then" he smirked before walking towards kuroo and i. "jesus that was the grossest possible thing i've ever seen in my entire life" i said.

kenma ignored your comment and turned to kuroo, "history, first period. really?" he asked. "unfortunately" kuroo replied.

"hey i see my girls over there, i'll see you later" i said, "i'll drive you home, see you, chef" he said kissing my cheek before i left. "jeez" i mumbled touching my cheek, "we've only been on one date and he's already kissing me" i said to aikko who laughed.

"seems like someone had a good date though" genevieve said. "very good date. he took me to this fancy restaurant and it was covered in these glass murals, it reminded me of paris. and then he took me to a dessert house, also reminded me of paris. at this point he should've just taken me to the eiffel tower" i shrugged my shoulders.

"soooo do you like him?" hana asked, "he's nice, he even got me a birkin!" i exclaimed showing them the picture of the bag. "woah so he's into you into you if he got you a bag like that. and he's following the family tradition" genevieve said opening the classroom door.

"ugh tell me about it, maybe a few more dates and i'll decide whether i like him or not"

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