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before i left for paris, i felt like i needed to make a stop at the kuroo household. so that's what i did. i knocked on the door with a small box full of tetsu's things. when the door opened, i saw a very surprised look on his mothers face.

"y/n" she said looking down at the box, "come in" she said. "sorry for dropping in unannounced" i said. "no problem, we aren't very busy lately" she said as i walked upstairs to his room. "how have you been?" i asked opening his door.

everything looked exactly the same.

"you don't want to keep anything for yourself?" she asked, "well i kept most of the things he gave me. but there were some things that i just felt like i needed to return. including this" i said taking out the ring and a necklace from my pocket.

"i believe these belong to you" i said handing the two items to her. "he, he gave these to you?" she asked, "yeah" i said. the two items were family heirlooms, they were passed onto tetsu for when he found his special girl.

i started to take out things from the small box and put them away. "he told me how much you liked the scent of his cologne. so i brought back the original bottle just incase you wanted to smell his signature scent ever. i bought myself a bottle, but i felt right giving you the original one" i said placing the bottle on his desk with the other multiple colognes he had.

"god he loved you so much, y/n" she said making me freeze, trying not to cry. "he would talk about you all the time, whenever he could. you were brought up in almost every conversation ever" she said again.

"he would be so proud of you. he would be so proud of the fact that you're expanding your company worldwide." she said.

if he loved me so much, why did he cheat?

"i loved him a lot too. still do. i'll love him forever" i replied closing my eyes.

"we're always here if you need anything" she said with a sad smile.

"try and call while you're in paris, okay?" she said as we both walked down the stairs.

"the first thing i'll do when i get there is send you guys chocolate" i said, "i know a guy" i said shrugging my shoulders.

"we'll see you when we see you" she said giving my shoulder a light squeeze. "thank you" i whispered before leaving the house.

as i sat in my car, i cried.

years later, and it still hurt.

i started my car and drove to the cemetery.

i sat down where his tomb stone was and placed the flowers in the tiny pot next to it.

"hey" i said wiping my tears, "i'm moving to paris" i said. i never understood the concept of talking to a loved ones grave, but now i get it. it's what keeps me connected to him.

"it wasn't part of the plan but, i'm opening a few restaurants" i said. "i know you said to use the money to go country wide but i decided to open restaurants. one here in japan, in memory of you. and the rest are all over the world." i said.

"it's been a year and i still miss you."

kuroo household
moms pov

"y/n came by today." i said placing my fork down. "she did? why?" my husband asked, "she came to drop off some of tetsu's things. you know he gave her the ring and the necklace?" i asked. "he did? well i certainly didn't know that. do you think he was actually going to marry her?" he asked.

"with the way he talked about her? he sent her a bag that's worth thousands, and they weren't even dating then. i was certain he was going to marry her one day" i replied. "shame we don't know why they broke up" he said shaking his head.

if only we knew.

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 // 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐌𝐀 𝐊Where stories live. Discover now