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"hey, y/n" kenma said opening the kitchen doors, "hey kenma!" i said. "stir this for me" i said to kozuke who nodded. "need something?" i asked walking up to him, "oh no. i just wanted to apologize for last week" he said. "oh, don't worry about it. not a big deal, not everyone likes seafood" i said shrugging my shoulders.

"so... friends?"


"i cant believe she said yes" kenma sighed shaking his head, "hard to believe i scored such a pretty girl?" kuroo asked putting his tie under his collar. "yeah i'm surprised she didn't run away from you" kenma scoffed looking up from his DS for a second.

"well i got her a birken bag, she kind of has to say yes." kuroo said shrugging his shoulders. "or she could've said no, and then run away with the bag" hikari, tetsuro's sister said.

"whatever, i have to go before i'm late. which car should i take?" he asked slipping his glasses on his face. "nothing too fancy, she doesn't like that stuff. take the bmw" hikari said.

"alright thanks, i'll let you know how it goes"

Tetsuro nervously rang the doorbell once before being greeted by the maids. "y/n should be down any moment" she said closing the door before walking away.

"ah tetsu! come have a seat" aikko, y/n's mom said. "y/n should be down any moment" said her dad, "anything to drink?" he asked. "i'm good, thank you" he glanced at the stairs.

soon you came down the stairs and he could not stop looking at you.

"you look beautiful, y/n" tetsuro muttered, "let's head out?" he asked

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"you look beautiful, y/n" tetsuro muttered, "let's head out?" he asked. "11:00 on the button" my dad said, "will do, have a good night you two" tetsuro smiled before closing the door behind me.

when he said to wear a long, fancy dress he was not expecting that.

"oh let me get that for you" he said opening the door for me, "thank you" i smiled as he closed the door and walked to the other side of the car. "what's on the itinerary for tonight?" i asked, "well i wasn't sure if i should bring you to a restaurant considering you're a chef. but we're going to a very nice restaurant" he said starting the car and driving off.

"sounds nice. you go to nekoma, right?" i asked, "oh wait of course you do" i shook my head and laughed. "i've seen you in the halls before, quite the womanizer. little bit of a turn off" i shrugged my shoulders, "good thing i'm not kenma because those girls are for him" he said.

"really?" i asked, "y/n you like run nekoma, you and four other girls are literally called the nekoma five. smartest, and prettiest girls in the school" he replied.

"well i know that, but i rarely see kenma. even if, i always thought of him as the introvert" i said, "he is, outside of school. but inside of school he blows through girls faster than kylie jenner's bags" he laughed.

"here we are" he said turning the car engine off, "don't move" he said again getting out of the door and opening the door for you. "as long as you're with me, you are never touching that door handle" he said helping you out of the car.

he slipped the valet two 20's and opened the restaurant door for you. "ever been here?" he asked, "no, but it's beautiful" i said looking at the mural wall. "this oddly reminds me of paris" i mumbled, "reservation under kuroo" he said. "right this way" the waitress said holding two menus.

"is that y/n?" the waitress whispered, "i think it is" the waiter replied. "i have to go tell the chefs about this" she said running off to the kitchen.

"sorry you were talking about paris?" he asked, "yeah. last time i was there was when i was thirteen. best vacation of my life. i was still a beginner back then so i didn't get to try the really good food. i would love to go again one day" i said opening the menu.


"10:00, good man you are, tetsuro" my dad said checking his watch. "just as a promised. i hope you had a good night, y/n. i'll see you at school" he said before walking away.

"sooo did you have a good night?" my mom asked giving the maid his blazer. "oh he forgot to take his blazer" i said shaking my head, "i'll have the maids wash it. you can give it to him tomorrow at school" my mom said with a smile.

"it's getting late, you should go to sleep. you can tell me all about it at breakfast tomorrow" she said patting my shoulder. "i'll see you tomorrow morning then. night, love you.

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 // 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐌𝐀 𝐊Where stories live. Discover now