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"i cant believe that this is gonna be our last date of the summer" i sighed placing my pepsi on the table. "promise to call everyday?" he asked, "everyday. i'll even send post cards with pictures!" i smiled placing my hand on his. "i'm kind of liking this no labels thing we have going on"


"don't leave me for some italian boys"
"wouldn't dream of it"

"so you leave tomorrow right?" he asked, "unfortunately. but i will definitely bring you back gifts from venice" i smiled. "what time? i wanna see you off at the airport" he said, "around nine pm" i replied smiling at the waitress who served our food.

"great that means i have the entire day to spend with you" he said, "the entire day we will be spending in bed. lord knows i don't want to do anything tomorrow" i said. "fine with me. i also have a gift for you" he said handing me a velvet box. i opened it and gasped, "tetsu..." i whispered running my hands through the diamonds.

"it's beautiful" i said taking the bracelet out of the box and admiring it. "it's so sparkly" i gasped putting it on my wrist, "holy shit, how much did this cost?" i asked. "considering it's full diamond, it was expensive. nothing i couldn't afford though." he said shrugging his shoulders.

"you spoil me too much" i said, "anything for you" he said. "i feel so bad that i'm not going to be here for your birthday" i frowned while i played with my pasta. "don't worry about it. you'll be back two days after, we can do a late celebration then" he said.


"call me when you land okay?" kuroo said giving me a hug, "i'll probably call you at the gate" i mumbled into his chest. "goodbye kiss?" he asked. i put my hands on his cheeks and pulled him into a kiss, "i'll see you in four weeks" i whispered.

"i'm gonna miss you" he muttered, "i'll miss you too." i replied. "y/n! hurry up!" my dad said, "i'll call everyday and send you post cards. don't leave me for another girl" i said giving him another kiss before walking away.

kuroo sighed before walking away thinking about how he's gonna stand not seeing you for a month and two days.


it was a mistake. "it was a mistake i swear, i didn't mean to kiss her. fuck!" kuroo groaned tugging his hair, "so by telling her you weren't a relationship guy three weeks ago you meant "oh i'm not a relationship guy but i'll kiss another girl while i'm practically dating someone else" his sister said rolling her eyes.

"not helping" kuroo replied.

"what? im just saying, don't be surprised when she leaves you. i'll be here to comfort you, but don't be shocked when she doesn't want to be with you anymore"

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 // 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐌𝐀 𝐊Where stories live. Discover now