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i was working on the floor as i heard the small bell ring. i looked at the door and there kenma was. he seemed to have made eye contact with me too since he was walking towards me. "can we talk?" he asked, "kenma, im working right now" i replied. "you own the damn place, y/n." he countered. "fine." i muttered signalling him to follow me.

i led him into my office and locked the door. "what are you doing here kenma?" i asked, "don't you have a girlfriend waiting for you at home?" i asked again. "fuck. man- fuck i don't want her! i want you! it's always been you! ever since i met you, i knew you were it for me" he exclaimed.

"kenma..." i trailed off. "fuck, and i'm so mad at you for just leaving that stupid letter and then leaving for three years. do you know how shitty that was? reading that knowing the love of my life was moving across the world away from me? the fact that i dated some other girl as a rebound?" he said angrily.

"kenma, we both know it'll never work" i said calmly, "why cant it? it's been us for as long as i can remember. shit do you know how guilty i felt for being in love with my dead best friends girlfriend?" he asked.

"i live in paris. the time differences are crazy." i replied crossing my arms. "i need you, y/n. fuck the distance, fuck everything! i'll move here if i have to. anything to be with you" he said.

"ken, you and i both know you can't do that. you still have so much to do back home. i still have to grow as a business." i said holding his hands.

"i did not come all the way here just to lose you again." he said firmly. "i will come back for you, one day." i whispered, "long distance or loose me forever." he said. "hey! i don't like ultimatums!" i exclaimed. "yeah and i don't like monday's, but they always come."

"kenma. i promise you. give me three years i will come back for you." i said squeezing his hands.

i walked kenma back to his car and i frowned. "kiss me" i said. "what?" he asked, "kiss me" i said again. "if i kiss you right now i won't be able to leave" he said getting into his car. "three years."


𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 // 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐌𝐀 𝐊Where stories live. Discover now