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Honestly I’m not sure what I was doing or why I was doing it. When I had stepped outside of my door and seen her standing there, all of my rational thoughts had gone out the window.
I never did anything like this and more than anything else, I couldn’t do anything like this. I still wasn’t sure that she didn’t know who I was until she had just told me to my face that she didn’t know my name or anything about me. If my company found out what I had done I don’t even know what they would do.
When I had seen her I had frozen in place, the urge to touch her was burning through me and my god, I was so glad I had. That kiss was unlike anything I had ever felt and I wanted more but she looked like a rabbit caught in headlights, backing away from me like I was going to hunt her down. I couldn’t say that the thought hadn’t crossed my mind when she had pushed me up against the wall.
Even now after I had told her my name she wasn’t saying a thing, she was just staring at me.
‘Are you not going to tell me?’
‘Does it matter?’
‘You know my name, only fair that I know yours too.’
‘Mina.’ She said after a slight bit of hesitation.
Mina…I liked it for her, I liked the way she said it and I knew I was going to like saying it too. I looked at her lips, the way they were slightly pouting and swollen from the kisses we had just shared. My eyes watched her, I think I was expecting her to tell me to leave again or say something along those lines but she just stared back at me. Her eyes darted all over and I was reminded of when I had stepped out and she had been checking me out, if I asked her I bet she would deny it but I had seen her. It had made me confident enough to touch her and the memory made me smile.
‘Stop it. Stop smiling.’
‘I- I don’t know. I don’t want to see it.’
She looked away after glancing at my lips, she started backing away more and more until she bumped into her bed and sat down. At that moment I thought about how weird this whole situation was. She was right I guess, we didn’t know each other and we had just had an intense moment and she didn’t know what to do with herself. I looked down at myself, I was just standing there half naked.
‘I’m sorry, I mean it. I don’t know why that just happened. Do you want to pretend it never happened? I can do that…probably the right thing to do, right?’
I smiled at her, remembered she told me not to and wiped it off my face. She smiled then and it changed her whole face; I regretted offering to forget it straight away.
‘Can we do that please? I haven’t come here to…mess around. I really just wanted to be alone and I don’t know what came over me, I’m sorry too.’
Damn it, I was hoping she would say that, no she didn’t want to forget it and not just that, she wanted to do it some more. I could feel the tension in her voice though, she wasn’t lying to trying to act innocent to get rid of me, she really did want to be alone. Isn’t that what I came here for too?
I didn’t say anything to her, I just nodded and then turned and walked out of her room. She didn’t stop me, she didn’t make a noise and I didn’t stop walking until I had walked past my room, down the stairs and into a downstairs bathroom. It had occurred to me that if our rooms were opposite each other’s then we must be sharing a bathroom. Delightful in these circumstances.
I sat down on one of the armchairs in the cove area of the living room and stared out of the window, thinking about everything that had happened since this morning. I don’t think I had ever had a morning quite like it. Sure, I had affairs and break ups; the odd sneaked kiss at an awards show or behind the cameras but this had been different. Ever since I had seen Mina this morning, I hadn’t really stopped thinking about her. I kept picturing her looking up to the sky with tears running down her face even when she was smiling. Now her telling me that she had come here to be alone, I wondered what had happened to her to make her run here. Maybe she had cracked under the pressure like I had. Those thoughts took me to a dark place in my mind that I was trying to block out.
The boys must be calling, emailing and panicking but I was more worried about the company. I wondered if they could find me, how would they though? I had paid for everything with cash and made sure no one saw me. It’s only the airport staff that may have told them where I was going but even then once they got to Finland, how would they know where to go? I shivered suddenly and was brought back to the present. I’d deal with the company when it came to it, being the leader of BTS would help me with this fuck up at least. Maybe I’d be left out of a performance or made to apologise but I could take that. I just needed to chill out, the boys needed to chill out and that’s what I was going to do.
I glanced up to the rooms upstairs when I heard a noise and saw Mina walking out of her room, I saw her look at my door cautiously before lowering her eyes and entering the bathroom. I wasn’t going to pursue this thing, whatever it was. She had made it clear that she didn’t want me to be near her so why push it? She hadn’t known what had come over her and neither did I, maybe it was just being alone in a place like this; maybe the atmosphere had just taken over but whatever it was, it wasn’t going to happen again.

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