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‘So fucking bad, please fuck me.’
I saw his smirk as his dick rubbed up against my opening, I just needed him back inside me; the feeling was so good that I could have cried.
Not seeing Jimin was torture and now that I was finally here with him, I wanted him to fuck me as hard as he could. I wanted him to make me his in every way. Watching him slamming into me through the mirror has turned me on beyond belief, seeing his face filled with passion as his cock stroked my walls had made me so wet.
I felt the head of his cock enter me and I hummed my pleasure as my head dropped back and my legs wrapped themselves around his waist, holding him to me.
Although he had started slow, all of a sudden he slammed into me and a gasp was all I could manage. His dick filled me completely, the thickness rubbing against my pussy walls and I felt myself throb around him as he pumped into me. He leaned in to place kisses along my collarbone as he went lower and sucked one nipple into his mouth, it was too good; the feeling going all the way to my pussy and I knew I was going to cum.
‘Jimin…please…you’re going to make me cum.’
‘Cum all over my dick baby.’
The pressure was building and the friction was too good, my nails were digging into his shoulders as he fucked me and I felt myself explode around him, screaming his name. His hands were gripping my hips, his thrusts were becoming frenzied as his own release came over him and he let go inside me, groaning as he did.
‘I know.’
He looked at me, a smile on his beautiful lips and I pulled him closer so I could kiss him, my arms winding around his neck as I did.
‘I missed you so much, I hate being away from you.’
‘I can’t believe you’re here.’
A little bit later we were sitting in the car on the way to the hotel, his hand holding mine and his eyes full of happiness; I was reminded of how amazing this time had been even though we only got to see each other on a few occasions over the last year. Every time we were together it felt even more special, just because it was rare that we could have time alone.
So many times I had flown out to see Jimin but instead I would see all the boys and would have to sit in at their practices or behind the cameras during interviews, Jimin glancing over at me to make sure I was okay; I never complained, it was never a let down because at least he was there in front of me and I could see everything I needed to in his eyes. I had never once regretted letting him into my life and he had been telling the truth; he had proved in so many ways that he loved me.
Once or twice he had mentioned me going on tour with him and at the time I had said no because I knew that the tours took it out of him and I didn’t want to be a distraction but as the time had gone I had regretted my decision.
Being away from him was hard and being in different time zones all the time made it difficult to communicate, this surprise visit had only come about because Joon had been in touch to let me know that Jimin had been missing me to the point of becoming subdued. It had been both a leader and a friend getting in touch, he wanted Jimin to happy but also needed him to be the Jimin that audiences were expecting; I guess I was the answer to both of those issues.
I felt him squeeze my hand and I focused back on the sexiest man I had ever seen in front of me.
‘You okay?’
Of course he was worried about me, he had always been worried about me. I felt the love for him wash over me as it always did and I smiled, genuinely happy. I nodded and he pulled me in close to him so he could wrap his arms around me. When we got to the hotel we had to enter through the back entrance to avoid any paparazzi and made our way to his room; I went for a shower when I had put my bags down and when I came out wrapped in nothing but a towel he reached out his hand for mine. I went over to him and took a seat in his lap, my wet hair dripping all over him but he didn’t seem to care.
I raised my hand to his hair, moving the strands away from his forehead as his eyes gazed into mine and he wrapped his arms around me.
‘You make me so happy.’
‘I’m glad I do.’
‘I want you to stay with me Mina, I hate it when you’re not around.’
‘I’m not going to say no this time.’
His eyes had widened, the look in his eyes was like he was scared to believe that I was telling the truth but I had meant it, I was sick of being away from him. Sick of hearing things that had happened on stage or behind the scenes, I just wanted to be there for him regardless of him having a good day or a bad day. I had finally realised what it felt like to really be in love and it was something I had never imagined, it was pure joy.
‘Really. I want to stay with you.’
‘Can I ask you for something else too?’
It was then that he unwrapped one arm from around me and presented his hand to me, a small box in his palm. I was silent, I looked from the box to him and then back, not quite believing what I was seeing.
He smiled bashfully, his eyes glinting in the light as he opened the box to show me the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. The diamond was an exquisite light blue colour, the band silver and it was just perfect. I couldn’t have pictured anything better.
Jimin leaned in, his lips brushing my ear as he spoke quietly to me.
‘Marry me Mina, just be mine forever. I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you, I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you and I know that we will keep each other happy because you are everything to me…marry me?’
So many words came to mind as the tears fell from my eyes; this man had changed me forever. The feelings for him had grown day by day and they were still growing, every time I was with him I found a new thing to love about him. We had our differences but overcame them every time and all I wanted was for us to be happy together.
This life together wasn’t easy; I was hidden from the public, we could probably never announce our relationship to the world and I had to make my peace with that. He had met my family and friends but all them were made to sign confidentiality agreements and so was I, I would never be able to just casually mention my boyfriend to anyone. I couldn’t just decide to meet him somewhere, plans had to be made for that to happen. There were protocols I had to follow. Rules that we both had to adhere to.
Jimin being a part of BTS would always be somewhat of a hindrance to our lives but I knew I would never love anyone else like this and for the first time in my life I was truly happy. He had made me love myself in a way I had never thought I could, I had found the best friend that I could trust with my life and nothing would make me give him up…Jimin would always be the one.
The eyes filled with tears gazing at me were full of love and hope, I raised my hands to hold his face as I touched my lips to his before leaning back to answer Jimin’s words with a smile on my face.
‘Yes, I will.’


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