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‘You’ve got to be fucking joking, you’re really going to try to blame hyung for this?’
‘Blame him for what? Telling me the truth?’
I laughed then, she was really trying to convince me that hyung would ever say those things? She really thought I’d believe her? Namjoon hyung had been as hurt as I had been, knowing that she had just played us both for kicks while she was ‘healing’ in Finland. He had tried to be collected about the whole situation but I knew that he had real feelings for Mina, maybe not as deep as mine were but they were still there. He would never hurt someone that he cared for, he would never lie.
‘Mina, you’re lying. Hyung would never say those things. Just be honest, you didn’t want either of us so you left. We were the ones that meant nothing to you.’
‘What the fuck is happening right now? I’m not lying to you! Joon came to me, he told me had feelings for me and I turned him down. When I said I wanted to talk to you, he told me that you had told the others you could get me into bed and I-‘
‘I’m not listening to this bullshit. Hyung would never do that. He would never say that.’
‘So you’ve never done that?’
‘You didn’t ever just fuck someone to pass the time or as a joke, someone who meant nothing to you?’
I paused, I had done that; more times than I cared to admit but I hadn’t done that with her. How could she have known that though…she couldn’t be telling the truth about hyung, he couldn’t have said those things.
My head was starting to pound, I started pacing again while I was collecting my thoughts but everything was messy; nothing was making sense.
‘Maybe I have but I was an idiot, people do stupid things. You should know.’
‘I fucked up and I admitted it. I should have told you, I know that but I was ready to explain myself to you. To make you understand!’
‘So you’re the good guy here but hyung and me, we’re fucked up? How do I know that you weren’t just making your way through BTS while we were there? You said yourself you knew who we were from the beginning, maybe we were just stupid to believe you.’
‘Excuse me?’
‘You admitted you knew who we were, you already had hyung and then me…were you just going to carry on until the members ran out? How do I know that you weren’t recording us or-‘
‘Shut the fuck up. Shut up. I have never been so insulted in my life, you’re disgusting for even thinking that; I can’t begin to understand how your mind let you say the words. Fuck all of you, I don’t want anything to do with any of you.’
Everything about her was furious, her expression was equally devastated and enraged; I backed away from her and watched as she stormed towards the door and opened it. I felt nauseous, even as I had said the words I had known I was going too far but I couldn’t believe what she had said; it would mean that I had spent these six months away from someone I could have been with. That I could have tried to understand, if she had come to me to talk about everything then I would have tried. Worst of all it meant that Namjoon hyung had lied to me. 
‘I can’t believe that I truly thought I was falling in love with you. I hope I never see you again.’
She had looked back to say the words to me, her eyes full of tears and then she slammed the door. She was gone.
I sat down on the bed, sitting there for I don’t know how long going over what she had just said over and over again, she had said love. She had said she thought she had been falling in love with me.
The more I thought about it the more anxious I was getting, if she was telling the truth then had hyung lied to both of us that day and ever since? If she had turned only him down that day and she had wanted to come to me, had he really stopped her by telling her things to hate me? I had to find him and speak to him about it, I was so confused and I didn’t know what to believe.
I was grabbing the room key to leave when there were rapid knocks on the door and I opened it to find the very person I was going to see.
‘Hyung, I have to speak to you.’
‘Jiminah, Hoseok said he saw Mina in the lobby so I went to go look for her but I can’t find her. Maybe you should go see?’
I stood for a second watching him. Namjoon hyung had come to me that day to tell me that she had no feelings for either of us and that we meant nothing. If that was the truth then why would I need to see her, why was he looking for her?
‘Why would I do that?’
‘You have feelings for her, go find her and speak to her about it.’
‘But if I meant nothing to her…why would I need to?’
There was a silence and then understanding dawned in his eyes and he looked away. That’s when my heart sank, Mina had been telling the truth; hyung had told us both lies so that we wouldn’t talk and so Mina would leave. I backed into my room and he followed, he went and sat on the bed. He kept his eyes on the floor even as I went to sit in the chair Mina had vacated earlier. We both sat in silence for minutes, I didn’t know what to say. I felt like I didn’t even know this person sitting in front of me, had he really done this just because she hadn’t chosen him?

Caught In A Lie | A BTS FanficWhere stories live. Discover now